Management: the process of getting things done, efficiently and effectively, but staying within the parameters of policies and procedures. Centered around: Mission Goals WHERE WE’VE BEEN
Planning—established goals (within guidelines), set strategy, coordinated activities and made decisions Organizing—deciding what to do/how to do it Leading—motivating employees, directing others’ activities, and resolving conflicts Controlling—monitoring tasks to see that they are finished as planned MANAGEMENT PROCESSES
Vision Statement MN-871 strives to build tomorrow’s leaders by becoming the best and most recognized AFJROTC unit. To succeed we must: 1.Teach and use 21st Century techniques designed to foster problem solving, creative and critical thinking and a desire to learn 2.Learn the value of education and character 3.Lead by example; in school, at work and in our communities 4.Implement strategies to ensure program sustainability well into the future Mission Statement Become a better you; learn…grow…do
MN-871 Goals (Reported) Corps 1.Meet or exceed cadet-controlled inspection standards during the 2012 HQ Inspection 2.Improve corps average score on Presidential Fitness by 10% School 1.Host a cadet-planned/led Park High School Drill Competition 2.Conduct three national awareness and patriotism campaigns at Park High School Community 1.Donate 1250 community service hours 2.Plan, coordinate and execute Veteran's Day Program
SMART Goals (Not Reported to HQ) Cadet Guide Room Design (marketing strategies) Rifle Exhibition (marketing strategies) Marketing through technology DP IM OG FM SE PA
Decision-making Strategies 1.T-Chart 2.PMI 3.Buriden's Ass 4.Measured Criteria 5.Decision Matrix or Weighted Decision Table
Planning—established goals (within guidelines), set strategy, coordinated activities and made decisions Organizing—deciding what to do/how to do it/who will do it Leading—motivating employees, directing others’ activities, and resolving conflicts Controlling—monitoring tasks to see that they are finished as planned Management Processes
Unity Of Command Span Of Control Delegation Of Authority Homogeneous Assignment Flexibility 5-organizing Principles (Marshall,92)
Determine tasks to be accomplished Subdivide major tasks into individual activities Assign specific activities to individuals Provide necessary resources Design organizational relationships needed 5-Organizing Processes *****
Depends on what, how and who will do… 1.Time 2.Structure 3.Chain of command 4.Degree of centralization 5.Role specification Managers Must Choose An Appropriate Org Structure
Right now-Wednesday, work in groups… But we’ll look at that next Monday
1.Committee Mission (why you exist) 2.Planning stage: - SMART goals - Decision-making technique 3. Organizing (look at the organizing processes, slide #10 ) Expectations (End of Tri…Team’s PPT)