Library to Learning Center Matti Raatikainen Aalto University Library OpeVeivit
New space The building that is now Otaniemi campus library, will go through a significant change, and opens as Learning center at the end of 2016 Transition from a traditional library and publication storage to a living Learning Center in the middle of the campus Group work room, Lounge, Lock & Load, Cave room, Pitch room / MOOC room, Science & Art Square, Customizable work space, …
New services A large selection of new services will be added to Learning Center’s portfolio –The compass, Visual Resources Center, 3D Printing, Super Data Room, Cafe, Academic Mind Sparring, We start testing some of the new services in January 2015
The making of The Learning Center (so far) Service design project, autumn 2013 –Three service design teams: students, researchers, librarians –Interviews: more than 150 people were interviewed about their daily lives on campus –Workshops: ideas based on customer needs, prototypes, testing, refining –Space and service concept presented in the final report Architectural desing based on service design results –More space for customers, less space for collections Documentation of the planning process: –
Changes in the building
… And after
Ground floor
What’s on the ground floor? Learning together –Group study Media services –Super Data Room, Video editing, Pitch room, 3D printing, Graphic design pop-up, … Lock and load Cave room Collections
1st floor
What’s in the 1st floor? Cafe Main Info desk Exhibition area Science and arts square Visual resources center 24/7 area Group work and meeting rooms Collections
2nd floor
What’s on 2nd floor? Study space Seminar space Meeting rooms, team space (Mainly visual) collections
How does the project continue? More detailed planning starts in June Collected comments from students, staff, partners, etc. are utilized Renovation starts January 2015 Otaniemi campus library moves to Learning Center Beta (Otakaari 1, A wing) Learning Center opens December 2016 –Arabia, Otaniemi and Töölö campus libraries + Library of Architecture move here
Ideas, wishes, needs? Please contact: Thank you!