The Vikings
Toward the end of the 8th century CE, Viking seafarers from what we now call Norway (A), Denmark (B), and Sweden (C) embarked on a series of daring voyages for trade, colonization, and sometimes even plunder. Over the next 250 years, they planted settlements in Europe — from the British Isles (D) and France (E) to Italy (F) and Russia (G). Vikings from Norway, in particular, became the first Europeans, ever, to establish a passage across the Atlantic to North America. They did it in stages, setting up bases, as they went, in the Shetland Islands (H), Faroe Islands (I), Iceland (J), Greenland (K), and — for just a few years — in the place they called Vinland (L).
Warrior gangs that attached themselves to courts as bodyguards and shock troops berserker The depth of water the longships needed to float draught Inlet of the sea fjord A long poem that tells of a hero and his adventures saga The hall of the warriors in heaven Valhalla Warrior goddesses Valkyrie
the life force, lightning, strength, thunder & thunder storms Thor fertility, prophecy, sex, sexuality (feminine), war, wealth & weather Freya god of death, knowledge, poetry, rune magic, travel, war, warriors, & wisdom Odin