JANUARY 12, 2012
Subject Change from previous year English89%85%89%+5% Math74%76%88%+12% History83%86%69%-17% Science74% 83%+9% * Results as of May 31, 2011
Change from previous year. Algebra I63%84%95%+9% Geometry72%73%78%+5% Algebra II88%74%94%+20%
Change from previous year. Writing91%83%91%+8% Reading89%87% 0
Change from previous year. Earth Science61%70%82%+12% Biology76%75%86%+11% Chemistry94%81%92%+11%
Change from previous year. World History I 71%78%64%-14% World History II 97%96%72%-24% Virginia US Government 92%91%72%-19%
Change from previous year. African American Achievement 66%68%82%+14% Special Education 45%59%67%+8%
Change from previous year African American Students 79%80%82%+2% Special Education 52%57%60%+3
Change from previous year. African American 61%66%77%+11% Special Education 45%50%55%+5%
Change from previous year. African American 74%78%58%-20% Special Education 49%85%45%-40%
Gains were seen in all academic areas, except history. Gains were seen in African American Achievement in all areas except history; however, an achievement gap still exists. Minor gains were seen in regards to Special Education achievement; however, more improvement was needed in this area. Extensive gaps are evident between students with disabilities and general education students.
Teachers received feedback through observations. Benchmark Data was analyzed closely. Students who needed remediation were identified by benchmark data. Teachers were held accountable for benchmark data. Remediation was provided for struggling students. Recognition was given for students who demonstrated academic achievement.
Change from previous year Overall Attendance 93%92% 0% African American 92%91%92%+1% Students Disabilities 90%88%91%+3%
A division attendance policy was created. Toward the end of the year, some incentives were given for attendance.
Benchmark data continues to be analyzed closely. Benchmark tests continue to be used to identify students in need of remediation. Students continue to be recognized for Academic Achievement. The English pacing guides have been modified to integrate Istation to differentiate classroom instruction.
Some changes have been made in regards to personnel. Math Teachers receive on going and embedded professional development from school staff and consultants. Cambridge has provided common priorities training for identified areas of need. A more specific process of remediation has become more targeted based on data.
August97.21%94% September93.78%94% October93.37%94% November92.63%93% December87.82%94% January91.91?
The new attendance policy has been implemented at PECHS. Incentives have been created for attendance. Attendance has been made a priority in the school and the community. Students who have chronic attendance are addressed in accordance to the new attendance policy.
Change from previous year Weapons Offenses Offenses Against Student Offenses Against Staff Other Offenses Against Persons Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Offenses Property Offenses Disorderly or Disruptive Behavior Offenses Technology Offenses All Other Offenses
Manifestation Determination Meetings
School Business LeaveSick Days
disagreeneitheragreed Teachers are centrally involved in decision making about important educational issues. 81.7%4.1%14.3% Teachers have a role in school improvement planning. 38.8%14.3%47% Teachers are to high professional standards for delivering instruction. 28.6%8.2%63.3% Teachers at this school receive feedback based on evaluations that can help them improve instruction 34.7%14.3%51%
disagreeneitheragreed The school leadership makes a sustained effort to address teacher concerns about empowerment 53.1%28.6%18.3% Overall my school is a good place to work and learn 61.3%12.2%26.5%
While PECHS has made significant gains in regard to student achievement, teachers still do not feel empowered. Teacher attendance is a concern. An increase was seen in disciplinary referrals.
There has been an intense focus on academic achievement at PECHS. As a result, an increase in Academic Achievement has occurred at PECHS. An increase in attendance has been seen this year. PECHS has been renovated physically is some areas.
The are still clear areas need in regards to instruction. Differentiated Instruction Rigor Not all teachers have taken ownership for transformation. Subgroup achievement continues to be a concern. To increase a sense of efficacy, teachers should be involved more in the transformation process.
Personal Services Internal Lead Partner Student Data Specialist Purchased Services Cambridge Education Professional Development Materials Student Incentives for Attendance and Academic Achievement New classroom furniture
Model StrandsLevel of Implementation A. Creation & Use of District TeamPartial Implementation B. Enabling School AutonomyPartial Implementation C. Principal & Hiring TeachersHigh Implementation D. Stakeholder Engagement Emerging Implementation E. Creation & Use of School TeamHigh Implementation F. Leading ChangePartial Implementation G. Evaluating, rewarding, removing staff Partial Implementation H. Professional DevelopmentPartial Implementation I. Learning TimePartial Implementation J. Reforming InstructionPartial Implementation
Teacher resistance due to change Community perception Changing the culture from punishment to discipline
PECHS will instill rigor in all academic areas to meet changes as they occur in Standards of Learning. PECHS will meet the requirement for attendance. PECHS will increase the on time graduation rate.