WAGES….. the general minimum wage is $10.25 students under 18 years old who work under 28 hours per week or during a school holiday make $9.60 per hour liquor servers receive $8.90 per hour;
hunting and fishing guides receive $ for working less than five consecutive hours in a day and $ for five or more hours in a day whether or not the hours are consecutive homeworkers (defined as people doing paid work in their home for an employer) continue to receive 110 percent of the general minimum wage $11.28 Other WAGES…..
RIGHTS….. retail sector employees have the right to refuse to work on Sundays overtime must be paid for working more than 44 hours in a week
ENTITLEMENT….. you are entitled to a one half-hour unpaid meal break for every five hours worked you are entitled to a two-week annual vacation
DID YOU KNOW…. you have the right to join a union and support and participate in union activities; your employer is responsible for the health and safety of your workplace; you have the right to refuse unsafe work; your employer must make every reasonable effort to accommodate any disability.