The most important implications of climate change for : -Biodiversity -Thailand is situated a hot and humid climatic zone, supporting a variety of tropical ecosystems. -15,000 species of plants -1,721 species of terrestrial vertebrate ->2,000 marine fish species -2,000 marine mollusk species -11,900 species of marine invertebrate Human activities (over-exploitation, illegal trading, disturbance to natural habitat and the loss of habitat) the increase in extinction rate and loss of biodiversity
The most important implications of climate change for : -Biodiversity Human activities (over-exploitation, illegal trading, disturbance to natural habitat and the loss of habitat) Biodiversity -Increased risk of species loss/extinction due to synergistic effects (400 endangered species and 600 rare species) -Changes in species distribution/population size -Shift in timing of reproduction in animals/plants Climate variability & change Climate extreme events
The most important implications of climate change for : -Food security Climate variability & change Climate extreme events -Reduced agricultural productivity, especially rain-fed and summer crop Yields -More uncertainty about what and when to plant -changes in seasonal distribution of rainfall -more frequent and severe extreme events -higher temperature 42 % pollem completion Max. Temp (°C) Akihikari N22 BKN Rice
Decreasing potential yield in the next 50 years % % % % Preliminary result for example only – do NOT quote SEA START RC copyright 2009 Impact of climate change on rice production in Thailand Climate Change Adaptation As A Development Strategy: A major challenge for Southeast Asian countries Source: Chitnucha Budhaboon, Chiang Mai University
The most important implications of climate change for : -Water resources Climate variability & change Climate extreme events -Unbalance of water availability and distribution over time and space (Seasonal shifts in water supply/demand with increasing water stress and shortage Freshwater availability, and increase in the number and severity of flash flood) -Effect on water quality and exacerbating many forms of existing water pollution -changes in onset/duration and distribution of rainfall -more frequent and severe extreme events -Change in P-E balance
The most important implications of climate change for : -Rural livelihoods Climate variability & change Climate extreme events - Unstable and insecure livelihoods -Reduced quality of their life -Poverty alleviation -Their health -all activities-related weather and climate -High dependence on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water resources and natural resources
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Biodiversity -Promoting conservation and restoring native ecosystems -Avoided deforestation and reduced forest degradation -Improved land-use management practices -Establishing networks of terrestrial, freshwater and marine protected areas -Protecting and enhancing ecosystem service Public awareness and participation Climate change Biodiversity
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Food security Development and employment of new crop management scheme under future change -Switching crop varieties -Developing new varieties better able to withstand the effect of global warming -Introducing more suitable crops or shifting from crops to other plants and grazing -Providing irrigation and improved its efficiency and maintaining flood control -More efficient use of water resource -improved pest management and control -Promoting organic farms with reducing fertilizer use
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Water Resource Development and employment of new water resource management scheme under future Change -Promoting sustainable use, demand reduction, efficient allocation and equitable allocation -Promoting conservation of water resource (surface and ground waters) - Development of efficient irrigation systems and improvement of water-use efficiency -Increase in water availability (enhanced storage capacity, control of water pollution/water quality) -Improved monitoring and forecasting system for flood and drought -Drought relief and flood control/prevention -Protecting headwater forest Check Dam Community-based early warning system
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Rural livelihood Increased resilience to climate threat -Providing several options for rural livelihoods to adapt and cope with impacts of climate change. -Increased buffering systems -Institutional improvement and engagement (local government-people linkage and close collaboration -Setting up insurance system -Income diversification (Adding income-generating activities) -Community network for risk and security sharing -Improved monitoring and forecasting system for flood and drought -Public awareness & participation Check Dam
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Rural livelihood Check Dam New philosophy introduced by His Majesty King Bhumibol to enhance adaptive capacity of Thai people to Global Change 3 components of principle 2 other conditions
The highest priority adaptation measures : -Rural livelihood Check Dam