Understand the History of Global Agriculture 2.01
Agriscience Defined Agriscience is the application of scientific principles and new technologies to agriculture Also considered an applied science
Agriculture Defined Production, processing, marketing, and distribution of all agricultural products, related supplies and services Cattle Cow-calf operation, feedlot, slaughter house, butcher, transportation, veterinarian, feed dealer
Agribusiness Defined Businesses that are agriculturally related Chemical company, tractor manufacturer, seed company, pharmaceutical company
Renewable Natural Resources Defined Resources that are provided by nature that can replace themselves Wildlife Forests
Progress in US Agriculture Only 2% of the total population produces enough food to meet the needs of our nation 200 years ago, it was 90%
Major Inventions Jethro Tull invented the first horse drawn see drill in England in 1701
Agricultural Inventions Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793 Transformed cotton into a usable product by removing the seed from the actual cotton fiber
Agricultural Inventions Thomas Jefferson invented the iron plow in the late 1700’s Jethro Wood patented the iron plow with interchangeable parts in 1819
Agricultural Inventions Cyrus McCormick invented the grain reaper in 1834 It saved labor in cutting wheat, oats, and similar crops
Agricultural Invention John Deere improved the iron plow and invented the steel moldboard plow in 1837
Agricultural Inventions Edmund Quincy invented the corn picker in 1850
Agricultural Inventions Joseph Glidden drastically changed raising livestock in in 1874 when he invented barbed wire
Agricultural Inventions Anna Baldwin changed the dairy industry in 1878 when she invented the milking machine It replaced hand milking
Agricultural Inventions Thomas Elkins designed a device that helped preserve perishable foods by way of refrigeration in 1879
Agricultural Inventions George Washington Carver invented crop rotation in the late 1890’s This led to improved soil because you would let it rest while you were using a different field for planting
Agricultural Inventions Ben Holt invented the tractor in 1904.
Agricultural Inventions GPS technology was developed in 1993 Use a wide variety of techniques to gather data