Kellogg Wheat Overview Lori Wilson March 11, 2014
Many Kellogg products are wheat based Cereals (Mini Wheat, All Bran, Raisin Bran, Smacks) Pop Tarts Eggo waffles Keebler Cookies and Crackers Nutri-Grain bars We buy more wheat than corn, rice, oats, and barley combined Kellogg’s values wheat
Wheat Class Characteristics Soft Red Winter (SRW) – Primarily used for cookies and crackers – Low protein and high yielding Soft White Winter (SWW) – Primarily used for ready to eat cereals (RTEC) – Used by all major RTEC companies – Low protein, yields not as high as SRW Higher susceptibility to yield issues such as sprout damage and mycotoxins We often hear that the best SWW is equivalent to the lower yielding SRW
KNA Wheat Usage
Americas Wheat Volume
25 Year History
Soft Red Winter
Kellogg’s Values SWW
Soft White Winter
Kellogg Wheat Technical Circle Working to assure that where possible: We have access to safe, affordable wheat That everyone along the supply chain wins That we are investing in wheat supply chain where we are seeing risks That we are investing in unique opportunities for innovation in wheat That we are minimizing the environmental impact of our products
Eastern SWW Focus of most of our research spend on wheat
Program Research Funding Kellogg’s invested in Michigan Wheat by helping fund the SWW endowment ($500K) As a member, we ensure that money is well spent on programs and equipment that support SWW testing and breeding in labs of Eric Olsen and Perry Ng at MSU Additional Kellogg's funds are being spent Value added varieties example waxy wheat Wheat quality factors like better understanding of bran milling Factors effecting cooking quality of SWW in cereals
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