Education in Automated Software Engineering Motoshi Saeki Tokyo Institute of Technology Beach
Where is "Automated" ? Automated Engineering for Modeling & Analysis Automated Engineering for Design Automated Engineering for V&V... Not a knowledge unit to teach, but an aspect of a unit Specific Education Methods or Styles?
Teaching Automated Techniques Not teach automated techniques themselves only Teach underlying fundamental theory and principles Make students understand how to work Train how to use or adapt in practice
TopSE Education Program (1) On-going Education Program at National Institute for Informatics, Japan, started in Sep Motivation: Research results less used in practice. 20 students graduated from CS or working in IT companies: having backgrounds of fundamentals of CS Directed by Prof. Honiden + 10 staffs Financially supported by government 1 million dollars / year
TopSE Education Program (2) Collaborating with universities and industries: developing teaching materials and techniques dispatching teachers NTT, Hitachi, Toshiba, Fujitsu, NEC Exercise based training : Methods + Tools Newest Research Results Reality in Software Development Real Problems as materials from industries
Some examples of materials M1: Model Checking : Basics Method: SPIN 、 LTSA 、 SMV Application: Control Software of network appliances R1: Requirements Elicitation and Analysis: Basics Method: KAOS 、i* Application: Control Software of network appliances F1: Formal Specifications: Basics Method: VDM 、 B method Application: Ad-hoc networking A1: Componentware Method: Catalysis, UML Components, KobrA Application: Network applicances ( This slide was written by Prof. Shinichi Honiden, NII)
Concrete Answers? How to educate? Tool centric and exercise based education Flexible curriculum to accept new research results Materials of reality : Collaborating industry Educating mathematical foundations before automated techniques Make students understand underlying principles master tools