Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Lake Michigan
Goals of Training Familiarize employees with written SPCC Plan Identify oil storage locations and loading procedures Identify spill pathways Discuss spill prevention procedures Familiarize employees with appropriate spill response procedures and use of response equipment
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Rule It is the oil pollution prevention regulation promulgated under the authority of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act)Clean Water Act The rule addresses requirements for Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans
What is the SPCC Plan ? SPCC is required by EPA if a facility can “reasonably be expected to discharge harmful amounts of oil into navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines”
What Kinds of Oil are Included? Under the SPCC regulations, oil is defined as "oil of any kind or in any form including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil and oily mixtures." This also includes non- petroleum oils, animal and vegetable oils.
Excerpt from EPA document entitled “Understanding Oil Spills and Oil Spill Response”
Why Does UWM Need an SPCC Plan? Because we meet the following criteria outlined in the regulations: We have aggregate aboveground oil storage capacity of more than 1,320 gallons; and Oil can be reasonably expected to enter into navigable waters via floor drains and/or directly into storm water catchment basins
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Aboveground tanks (Emergency Generators) Elevator hydraulic systems High-Voltage Electric Equipment (transformers & switches) Waste cooking oil drums Fleet Garage used oil tank Bulk laboratory solvent drums Oil storage at UWM includes the following: Drum Storage Room
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Elevator Reservoirs
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Hydraulic Elevator Reservoirs
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Cooking Grease Recycling Containers
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Oil-Cooled High Voltage Equipment
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Emergency Generator Diesel Fuel
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Cooking Grease Recycling Barrels
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Emergency Generator Fill Port
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Holton generator Emergency Generator Fuel Tank
Where is Oil Stored on Campus? Hydraulic Elevator Pit
Overview of Tank Storage at UWM
Who Must be Informed About the SPCC Plan? Any employee involved in oil handling, transfer, storage, spill response or maintenance of oil equipment
SPCC Training Requirements Training is provided at least annually to inform personnel involved in oil storage or maintenance of tanks about proper actions to take in the event of a spill Training updates will be conducted whenever a significant change has been made to any oil storage (e.g., new tank installation) Training will also be conducted whenever a new employee is assigned to oil handling, maintenance duties or spill response
Potential Spill Pathways Oil can enter “navigable waters” via: –Direct spills into combined sewer storm drains –Spills into a floor or roof drain or other conduit that discharges into the combined sewer
Combined Sewers Storm Sewers collect polluted runoff – those flows empty directly into rivers and lakes MMSD Map of Milwaukee
Spill Scenarios: Large Release Potential High Probability: –Release from oil delivery equipment during unloading at fill ports –Leaking solvent drums Low Probability –Complete tank failure –Catastrophic Fuel Tanker failure during delivery
Spill Scenarios: Small Release Potential High probability: –Minor overfill at fill port –Spills during transfer from drums or containers Low probability: –Leaking or failure of piping and pumps…if proper inspection & maintenance schedule is followed –Leaking or failure of drums…if proper inspection & maintenance schedule is followed
SPCC Program Goals 1.SPILL PREVENTION Achieved through installation of required equipment, timely repair of malfunctioning systems, regular inspections, good material handling & fueling practices 2.SPILL CONTROL Achieved through monitoring of leak detection systems, proper reporting & ensuring containment systems are functional 3.SPILL COUNTERMEASURES Achieved through quick spill response
Spill Prevention – Inspections Document monthly inspections with log sheetlog sheet Maintain and repair equipment as needed Review monthly inspection logs to follow-up on corrective actions Report all small leaks & unusual observations to maintenance supervisors before they become problems
Tank Inspections All tanks and associated equipment must be inspected MONTHLY for malfunctions, deteriorations or operator errors that could lead to a spill.
Tank Inspections –They must be conducted by someone familiar with the tank system –A written record of inspections must be kept on file for 3 years
Other Requirements Tank Testing Aboveground Storage Tanks are annually inspected by an outside vendor for functionality.
Tank Truck Deliveries Ensure “notice” to fuel delivery driver is provided with each delivery
Tank Truck Drivers Remain with the vehicle at all times while loading Drain lines to the storage tank and close the drain valves before disconnecting Ensure appropriate containment device is located under connections Tank truck drivers:
Tank Truck Drivers Inspect vehicle before departure to ensure all lines have been disconnected & all drains/vents are closed Immediately report any leaks or spills, including quantity, to University Police Tank truck drivers:
Spill Prevention Control Measures– Containment –Drums & containers are stored on “spill pallets” or other secondary containment –Check for indication of oil leaks on floors, spill pallets, dikes, retaining walls & berms –Report all spills & unusual observations to your supervisor, who will notify University Safety & Assurances Ensure all Spill Containment structures are in place and operational:
Spill Prevention Control Measures: Secondary Containment Secondary containment must be sufficiently impervious to contain oil Berms or dikes must have oil holding capacity calculations done and these must be kept on record as long as they are in use
Spill Response – Discovery of Release Extinguish any source of ignition Cordon off the area Identify material released Attempt to stop release at its source Reference Material Safety Data Sheet Ensure no danger to human health exists Initiate spill notification and reporting procedures
Spill Response Use link below to view UWM’s: “Spill Reporting Procedures” “Spill Reporting Procedures”
Spill Response – Containment & Follow-up Contain the material released into the environment Recover or clean up the material spilled Clean up the spill area Decontaminate tools and equipment Arrange for proper disposal of waste materials Notifications and reports to outside agencies (SPCC Coordinators) Review SPCC Plan to evaluate/improve response
Spill Response Supplies Know the location of your oil spill response supplies Supplies may include: –Oil dri –Sorbent booms or pads –Spill mats for covering floor and storm drains –Protective gloves/suits and safety glasses/goggles –Caution tape for protecting the spill area –Shovels and drums for collection of materials
Spill Kit Locations at UWM
What is a “Release to the Environment”? Wisconsin Emergency Management defines a “release to the environment” as follows: Any amount of oil that produces a sheen on water and/or threatens navigable waters, including drainage ditches One gallon or more of a flammable liquid (such as gasoline) onto unpaved ground 5 gallons or more of a combustible liquids (such as diesel fuel or mineral oil) onto unpaved ground A discharge of a federally listed substance in excess of its reportable quantity
Spill Reporting & Documentation The SPCC Coordinators will prepare a report for any large spill or spill that impacts public health, safety or the environment. Reports must include: –Date, time and duration of release –Type of incident –Materials involved –Extent of injuries –Assessment of potential hazards – Disposition of recovered materials –SPCC Plan discrepancies –Steps to prevent similar incidents
Closing Out a Spill A spill report will be completed by the SPCC Coordinator, reviewed with the affected parties, signed and filed with University Safety & Assurances Important: –Discuss what can and should be done to prevent another occurrence –Was the response quick and effective? –Should anything be done to enhance the response system? –Very Important! Re-stock spill kits with replacement items and additional items if necessary
Spill Contact Information External Contacts –State –Federal
Spill Contact Information External Contacts Chemical Information: –CHEMTREC: (800) Hazardous Material Spill Control Contractors: –Veolia Environmental
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