Strategic Local Plan (SLP) 18 October 2012
The process to date Strategic Local Plan (SLP) – overarching policies, principles and spatial vision. Level and location of sustainable development. [Core Strategy]. To be followed by: Detailed Local Plan (DLP) – detailed policies; including site allocations, new proposals maps and comprehensive suite of policies. Four SLP/Core Strategy Consultations Joint Issues and Options Consultation, 2006 Core Strategy Issues and Options, 2007 Emerging Core Strategy, 2009 Shaping Our Community, The Core Strategy: Consultation on the spatial strategy for locating future development in the District, 2010/11 Sustainability Appraisal process – ongoing throughout PPAP Meetings Summer 2011 – draft Core Strategy presented and discussed in full - since then process of refinement and evidence
What SLP content has changed and what has not Since PPAP Meetings Summer 2011 Approach and Justification - post National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – fundamentally about Sustainable Development, when NPPF viewed as a whole Further work on the Evidence Base What is Sustainable Development in this district? Local Economy - vital role that quality of life factors play in supporting the local intellectual capital economy Bottom up capacity investigation of urban areas and previously developed land Environmental capacity of the district, including Ecosystem services Other authorities EIP, Court judgments
What SLP content has changed and what has not Very similar to 2011 Draft Core Strategy (PPAP) Maintaining the fundamental aim of the Green Belt in keeping land permanently open, by not developing on green field Green Belt land. Prioritising opportunities to maximise the economic, environmental and social benefits of sustainable development. Policies inc. The Spatial Strategy, Metropolitan Green Belt, Historic Environment and Townscape Character, Urban Design, Retail, Economic Development…Delivery of Infrastructure Housing Target/Requirement 250 p.a. – Lower than RSS 360 p.a. 40% Affordable Housing – threshold reduced from 15 to 1 3 Mixed Use Broad Locations – Harperbury Hospital/Kingsley Green, BRE, Oaklands Local Economy - local employers and entrepreneurs - St Albans is a good place to locate business and to do business - vital role that quality of life factors play in supporting the local intellectual capital economy Retail – including redevelopment of Ridgeview
Ramifications of not moving forward GB protection, Appeals and funding for Infrastructure delivery RSS going, likely spring no housing target – significant risks – potential scale of GB green field – context of (contested) DCLG projections 688 e.g. 1.5x King Harry Lane or Over 20 football pitches every year on GB green field e.g. More than larger versions of all 8 “Areas of Search” together Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – changes post April 2014 No adopted SLP, no CIL and radically reduced Sec 106. A large proportion of recent circa £1m Sec 106 per annum at risk – over £10m over plan period Over the last six years, the Council have listened to residents and stakeholders. It is likely that very large parts of the SLP will be very widely supported, but some aspects will not be supported by all. It is vital to bear in mind that fundamentally the SLP needs to be considered as a whole.
The evidence base and its interpretation A local planning authority should submit a plan for examination which it considers is “sound” SLP tested at EIP - in accordance with the Duty to Cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is “sound”. “Soundness” - Positively prepared, Justified, Effective, Consistent with national policy Evidence Base …based on adequate, up-to-date and relevant evidence about the economic, social and environmental characteristics and prospects of the area…
Mixed Use Broad Locations Harperbury/Kingsley Green Objective To provide an exemplar mixed use development that integrates the mental health and learning disabled communities with the wider population At the same time bring into beneficial use large scale redundant buildings in the Green Belt Oaklands Objective To provide an exemplar mixed use development that enables the College to deliver a step change in its quality of facilities and an outstanding offer of education and training for all At the same time provides community use and sports facilities, with significantly improved public access to the countryside, to further integrate the College with the wider community BRE Objective To provide an exemplar mixed use development that enables the BRE to provide high quality, high skill local employment for world leading sustainability and green technology companies at the BRE The final overall built development will be equivalent to the existing built footprint only, with an increase in public open space and the strategic Green Belt gap between Bricket Wood and Watford/Garston being retained and strengthened
Constraints, including on SLP content and format NPPF and Independent EIP – Inspector’s role relates to Duty to Cooperate, legal and procedural requirements, and whether it is sound Format for pre-submission publication and responses prescribed by Regulations All significant elements need to have been consulted upon and subject to Sustainability Appraisal/SEA – as part of the interlinked whole Certain prescribed elements – eg housing target
Comments on emphasis, clarity and issues arising To Or Spatial Planning Team, Civic Centre, St Peters Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL1 3JE Pre-submission publication circa 20 December, for 6-8 weeks