Recycle by Design A P3 Approach to Resource Recapture in the State of Michigan Mike Csapo General Manager, Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County Member, Governor’s Recycling Council Board Member, Michigan Recycling Coalition Marcel Ham Principal, IMG Rebel
The state of recycling in Michigan Michigan’s recycling rate of just under 15% continues to be among the lowest of its neighboring Great Lakes States - and sits far below the national recycling average of 34%.
The challenge In April 2014 Governor Rick Snyder announced the Governor’s Recycling Initiative - a State-wide goal to double Michigan’s recycling rate from 15% to 30% over a two year period.
How does Michigan get there “Best practices” adopted at the state level in other high- performing states could have a positive impact on Michigan’s recycling rate; however, it is doubtful that those practices can have needed near term impact in Michigan. An alternative approach to encourage “outside the box” thinking is required. An approach that fosters P3 solutions through innovation and collaboration by engaging public and private stakeholders to consider value creation in advance of a public procurement process is what Michigan needs and... Recycle by Design will deliver that.
Recycle by Design “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got” - Henry Ford
IMG Rebel has a global perspective IMG Rebel runs offices on 4 continents and has been active in the development of infrastructure in more than 80 countries. Our core competence is bridging the gap between infrastructure needs and financial resources by focusing on developing innovative P3s. We have implemented world leading recycling solutions in Western Europe.
Earlier market involvement creates more value DB / Turnkey DBFOM Design Engineering ConceptProblem O&M Build Market consultation Competition Design Engineering ConceptProblem O&M Build Design Engineering Concept Problem O&M Build Design Engineering ConceptProblem O&M Build Ability to create valueCumulative project cost
Rebuild by Design competition after superstorm Sandy CompeteResearch Design Implement ongoing6 months3 months 2 months 148 teams10 teams selected10 projects selected6 winners selected
Recycle by Design will bring innovation to recycling Michigan Governor Snyder’s recycling targets are ambitious A disruptive change is required Rebuild by Design will be a platform for innovative business proposals that contribute to the overall recycling goals. A competition will connect the most talented researchers, engineers, business entrepreneurs, designers, policymakers and perhaps most importantly, the local communities.
Our approach in Michigan 5 months4 months 3 months Formation of community and regionally-focused team Formulate conceptual proposals Study local and regional challenges and vulnerability Interact with government entities Engage with local community groups via publicly-held meetings Identify potential opportunities Teams work closely with mayors, community leaders, and experts in the field Take concepts to design solutions Pushing innovation while maintaining local and regional priorities Most promising projects selected Build new more resilient recycling infrastructure through smarter design Drive change through how we design, build, and legislate for the future Team development Research and community engagement Development and selection of proposals Implementation of winning proposals TBD
More than one winner A winning proposal meets the following criteria: the implementation contributes significantly to the increase of the recycling rate the subscribing team presents a solid business case and has arranged its finance (through private or public/private funding) the subscribing team is able and willing to implement the proposal there has been active local participation in the design of the proposal and the subscribing team can demonstrate that the final proposal has the buy-in of the local community/communities.
Recycle by Design adds to the existing P3 spectrum will focus on the value of recycling and integrated waste management, not just costs. will generate functionally integrated solutions on a local and regional scale, not mono-functional interventions. will yield innovative funding and financing solutions for resilient recycling infrastructure. is not just about public and private partnership, but also partnership with local communities. will generate value not only by “hard” solutions (assets), but also in “soft” solutions (awareness). will be a well-organized “solicitation” for “unsolicited proposals”, with compensation for the proposers.
IMG Rebel Marcel Ham Office: RRRASOC Mike Csapo Office: Contact details