5K Walk/Run: How to Prepare and Train Kristin Kipp, MS, RD, CSCS
Objectives Identify what steps should be taken before you start your training program Discuss some general training guidelines that should be followed Describe how to set a realistic goal and how to overcome any obstacles Describe ways to incorporate your plan into your daily routine and stay motivated
Where Do I Begin? Before beginning your 5K Training program: –Obtain medical clearance if needed –Assess your current fitness level –1 mile walk test –1.5 mile walk/run –Walk/run for time –Get fitted for a good pair of shoes –Make sure to have comfortable clothing to wear while training in various weather conditions
Starting Your Training Program Set goals - Think SMART!!! –S – Specific –M – Measurable –A – Attainable –R – Realistic –T – Time-line For example: Walk three times/week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon during my lunch break for 30 minutes for the next two months
Starting Your Training Program Continued… Develop a Training Plan - Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!!! –Use the plan I developed –Find a plan online that fits your needs –Have a fitness professional write an individualized training program for you Find a Place to Perform Your Workouts Schedule Your Workouts Develop Ways to Overcome Obstacles
Start Training!!!
Guidelines for Training Start Slowly, and Get in Shape Gradually Warm Up Before Exercise Cool Down After Exercise Train Regularly Exercise Safely Listen To Your Body/Get Adequate Rest Vary the Time and Intensity of Your Workouts Vary Your Activities Try Training With a Partner Train Your Mind Fuel For Activity Have Fun Track Your Progress
The Keys To Your Success Motivation –Fitness professional –Friends/relatives/co-workers Commitment –Make a plan and stick to it! –Have short and long term REALISTIC goals –Give yourself a reward for milestones Accountability –Who and what will you be accountable to?
References 1.Fahey TD, Insel PM, Roth WT. Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Co. Inc.; American Council on Exercise, eds. Personal Trainer Manual. San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise; 1997.