Ancient Greece Name: __________________________ Pd. _____ Instructions: Use your textbook and notes to complete the review sheet on Greece. Section I: The Geography of Greece (pg. 117) Greece is located in the Southern part of Europe, framed by the __________________, ___________________, and ___________________ Seas. The Greek mainland is a ________________ - a body of land with water on three sides. The land area of Greece is made up of mountainous, rocky terrain, making it difficult for most food crops to survive. Because water is such a large part of Greece’s geography, many Greeks made a living as _______________, _______________, and _________________. Why did the geography of Greece discourage Greek unity? Section II:Early Civilizations (pgs ) Use the Venn diagram to compare the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. Minoan Mycenaean Both Section III:The Dark Age (pg. 120) List 3 negatives and 3 positives that happened during the Dark Age. NegativesPositives As the Greeks recovered from the Dark Age, they began to colonize the coastal areas of Italy, France, Spain, North Africa, and Western Asia. What did colonization do for Greek culture and what effect did this have on trade?
Sparta The Spartans focused on ________________ skills to control the people they conquered. The people that the Spartans enslaved and used as workers were called ______________. Sparta’s government was an _________________. In this type of government, two kings headed a ______________________________, which presented laws to an assembly. The assembly was made up of all Spartan men over age _______. __________________ enforced laws and managed tax collection. By focusing so much on military training, Spartans fell behind other Greeks in _____________ and science. Athens Athenians focused on creating well rounded citizens by focusing on _________________, learning academics, sports, and music. Like other city-states, early Athens was ruled by nobles. However, as time passed, the government of Athens transformed into a democracy. ___________________, ____________________, and ______________________ are all great leaders that led Athens following the rule of the nobles. _____________________ is credited with making Athens a democracy by making the _______________ the center of government, giving citizens more power, and creating a citizen __________________ to help the assembly. Sparta and Athens... Despite their differences, Sparta and Athens were two of the most important city-states in Ancient Greece. Even though the governments were so different, both city-states excluded women, slaves, and non-Greeks from government. They even joined forces to defeat the Persians. Ancient Greece (cont.) Name: __________________________ Pd. _____ Section IV:City-Sates (pg ) Define the following terms. Polis - Acropolis - Agora - Hoplites - Read the section “What was Greek Citizenship?” on page 122. How is citizenship today different than it was in Ancient Greece?