The Glory That Was Greece Arts & Architecture Graceful Temple like Parthenon. Use of Columns in Buildings. Sculpture in Ideal, graceful poses. Painting on Pottery featuring elegant scenes depicting Greek life.
The Glory That Was Greece Poetry & Drama Love poems by Sappho. Pindar’s poems celebrated Greek Athletic victories. Developed tragic play of The Oresteia by Aeschylus, Antigone by Sopocles & The Trojan Women by Euripedes. Comedic play Lysistrata by Aristophanes.
The Glory That Was Greece Philosophy “The unexamined life is not worth living.” - Socrates "Education is the best provision for the journey to old age." - Aristotle "Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something." - Plato
The Glory That Was Greece Philosophy Socrates – The Socratic Method of learning through a Question & Answer process. Plato – Student of Socrates Founded the Academy Emphasized the importance of Reasoning – discover the true essence of something only in its Ideal form –This is stated in The Republic.
The Glory That Was Greece Philosophy Aristotle – Student of Plato Founded the Lyceum Believed the best form of Government was one that is run by a strong, virtuous leader. He also addresses how people should live in good conduct. Left behind writings on a variety of topics which were used by European Universities.
The Glory That Was Greece History The 1 st true written history, The Persian Wars, was by Herodotus. He used research methods to gather information. Thucydides wrote about The Peloponnesian Wars. He showed the need for a lack of bias in recording history.
The Age of Pericles Democracy and economic prosperity Rebuilt the Acropolis and numerous temples and statues Athens became the academic/cultural center of Greece Direct Democracy (ALL male citizens) Stipends Jury System Ostracism Funeral Oration – One of the earliest and greatest expression of democratic ideals