Present day capital and largest city in Greece. Greatest Greek civilization dating from 500 B.C.
Largest Island of Greece First Greek civilization found here Site of the Minoan Culture
Site of Minos’ Palace on Crete that had many modern conveniences.
Located off of the coast of Turkey Colossus of Rhodes located there
Waterway that had to be crossed by the Persian Army to attack the Greeks Point at which Helen of Troy was captured starting the Trojan War Connection to the Black Sea
City that controlled Hellespont and all sea traffic to the Black Sea
Extremely beautiful site of the Olympic games Not an actual city; just a complex of stadiums, temples, theaters, etc…
Highest point in Greece & home of the gods Clouds and storms often seen around its peak
Sacred spot in mountains; known as the most beautiful place in Greece Dedicated to the god Apollo Priestess was consulted at the oracle
Greatest military city-state ever One of the leading city-states of Ancient Greece
Port city located on the isthmus connecting the Attica Peninsula and the Peloponnesus Peninsula Paul wrote 2 letters to the people living there (1 st & 2 nd Corinthians)