METADATA STANDARDS Andrew Wilson Project Manager Digital Preservation Project
"The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from. Furthermore, if you do not like any of them, you can just wait for next year's model." Andrew Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 2nd edn., p. 254 Too many standards?
Metadata Uses Database management Privacy Intellectual Property Rights Content rating Recordkeeping Resource Discovery Preservation
Australian Experience Australia has spent most of its time and energy developing metadata standards in two areas: –resource discovery; and –recordkeeping/records management
Resource Discovery – Dublin Core Dublin Core was an emerging international standard for Web-based resource description Need for interoperability between Australian metadata standard & Dublin Core Dublin Core designed to be extensible AGLS is an extension of Dublin Core & therefore fits within the Warwick Framework
AGLS Dublin Core + 4 elements, so 19 elements in total 5/6 mandatory elements Implemented across Federal government Australian Standard AS5044 Adopted by New Zealand
Key enabler for the Commonwealth e-Government Strategy Crucial for visibility of and access to government information and services –GOVERNET Need for alternative access points – portals framework Importance of AGLS
Recordkeeping An Australian Standard for Records Management AS 4390, 1996 (basis for ISO 15489) Monash University SPIRT project for recordkeeping metadata
SPIRT Provides a framework for standardising sets of recordkeeping metadata, it: –codifies full range of metadata needed for management of records in electronic environment –classifies metadata elements according to their role –supports interoperability with other standards
NAA Recordkeeping Metadata Standard ng/control/rkms/summary.htm 20 elements and associated sub- elements (qualifiers) interoperable with AGLS, & SPIRT ensures core recordkeeping requirements met
NSW State Records Recordkeeping Metadata Another metadata standard for recordkeeping, similar to NAA set Complies with ISO Complies with SPIRT
Preservation Metadata Most work done by National Library of Australia Based on CEDARS Uses OAIS reference model UNESCO Draft Guidelines on the Preservation of Digital Heritage pmeta.html#ref
NLA Preservation Metadata (sample 1)
NLA Preservation Metadata (sample 2)
NAA AtoR Project Application to control workflow & create audit trail Audit trail = preservation metadata Metadata requirements not yet decided
But… No specific metadata standard for preservation metadata adopted Adopted OAIS reference model Metadata needed for authenticity, integrity, reliability Automatic creation and capture as much as possible
How to proceed Document data needed Investigate existing standards Develop application profile Develop schema(s) as necessary
Application Profiles: Formalize adapting of standards Leverage use of existing standards Allow you to enforce specific elements via XML schema Allow Interoperability Profiles are shareable –Through metadata registries
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