Overarching Task: Cross-Cutting Products and Services Sub-task Number: US-09-03c Sub-task Title: Global Soil Data Definition: Supporting the development a Global Soil Map building upon the work of ongoing and completed projects Incorporating data from global, regional and national soil data projects into a coherent system using a common dictionary Global Soil Data
The sub-task will be based on the outcome of various ongoing projects that collect/compile global soil data: e-SOTER GlobalSoilMap.net These projects use existing information and create new datasets: area soil class information ('traditional' soil maps) continuous soil property surfaces (digital soil mapping products) Global Soil Data
Existing soil datasets: Harmonized World Soil Database Generalized Soil Map of the USA Soil Landscapes of Canada European Soil Database Australian Soil Resources Information System Various SOTER databases Global Soil Data
Planned global soil datasets (from 2010 onwards): area soil class information (traditional soil map) with latest information at a resolution of 1 x 1 km continuous soil property surfaces (digital soil mapping products) with an increasing resolution starting from 10 x 10 km and going towards 90 x 90 m The GEO Executive Committee recently proposed the GEO 2010 Baseline Initiative to include Soils as a data set. Global Soil Data
Are the Global Soil Dataset components being developed relevant to the implementation of the GEOSS? Will data/observations/information/products be registered into GEOSS? Global Soil Data
Thanks Global Soil Data