The Mode of Action and Possible Target of Artemisinin Mike Van Linn Chemistry 496 23 April 2004
Outline Introduction Rationale for Research Modes of Action Malaria Artemisinin Rationale for Research Modes of Action Iron-Oxo route Epoxidation reactions Alkylation reactions The Target of Artemisinin
Introduction Malaria Four species of Plasmodium Infects 200 million people annually 1 million lethal Resistance to current drugs
Introduction Artemisinin Natural product extracted from sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua Used by Chinese for over 2000 years A. absinthium used to make absinthe
Rationale for Research Anti-malarial Activity of Artemisinin Artemisinin Derivatives Used currently for life threatening cases
Rationale for Research Anti-malarial Activity of Artemisinin Artemisinin Derivatives Used currently for life threatening cases Drug Resistance of Plasmodium Malaria spreading Synthesis of new drugs
Possible Modes of Action Iron-Oxo Route Epoxidation Reactions Alkylation Reactions
Iron-Oxo Route Donation of Oxygen from Peroxide Bridge to Iron Generate Fe(IV)=O No Support from Raman Resonance Data Signal/Noise < 2 Should be ~10 or 20
Robert, et al
Cazelles, et al
Cazelles, et al
1,5 H Shift Possible??? Critical Distance Calculated to be 2.1Å Exceeded in Stable Conformation Boat-like Conformation (High energy state) Houk
Comparing Route 1 and 2 Route 1 Dominant to Route 2 90/10 ratio from isolated products Artemisinin + MnIITPP 1,5 H shift? Route 1 Biologically Active Route 2 Inactive Stereochemistry Effecting Alkylation
Robert, et al Cazelles, et al
Mode of Action Route 1 Dominant Derivatives Used Alkyl radical formation from reduction of peroxide bridge Derivatives Used Observe correlation of alkylating ability to drug activity Alkylate MnIITPP Pharm. active
The Target Alkylation of Heme within Infected Erythrocytes (RBC’s) Free heme in food vacuole of erythrocyte Cleavage of peroxide bond Alkylation of heme or specific parasite proteins can occur Too General…
The Target, More Specifically Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) Enzyme PfATP6 gene sequence Testing the hypothesis Heme Not Required? Free heme blocked with Ro 40-4388 protease inhibitor Localized in the Food Vacuole? Fluorescent labeled artemisinin
Conclusions Malaria Remains as a Problem Resistant strains Anti-malarial Activity of Artemisinin Mode of Action is Now Understood Alkylation via route 1 A Specific Target Found PfATP6 gene sequence of the SERCA enzyme Fe2+ is required Activity not localized in the food vacuole
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