LS1 Injectors K. Foraz on behalf of N. Gilbert, S. Mataguez, D. Hay & D. McFarlane LSC 24 th May /05/2013LSC – EN-MEF-OSS1
EN PSB (1/4) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay2 The clean up campaign to remove surface & underground cables is now completed. Installation of the underground cables is estimated to be at ~8% completion. Cable continuity and Burndy connector tests for the Multipole power converters are ongoing. On site preparations for the beam dump replacement project are ongoing. Installation of electrical power sockets. Clean up campaign in the Booster basement (BTM/BTY beam element storage). The new PAD access control system is now fully operational. PAD functional tests successfully completed. Biometric access will commence on Monday 27 th May. Installation of the D31 MAD is in progress. Burndy conncetors New access system
EN PSB (2/4) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay3 Replacement of the PSB lift AS-45 has started (the lift is no longer operational). The special lifting support device for the removal of the lift motor and ancillary electrical equipment is under construction (EN-HE T.Foreste). Works access SAS’s are currently being installed at each floor level. Material access to the Booster’s radiation controlled areas will be via the tremie in 361 supervised by the transport and RP services. During the works, access to the booster complex will be redirected via the BHP hall as indicated. Lifting support installation Access to PSB
EN PSB (3/4) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. PSB Hall PSB Tunnel MAGNET TESTS TESTS MULTIP. CONV. General maintenance Survey Magnets Cables LIFT REPLACEMENT MULTIP. CONV. TE-ABT Survey Hardware commissioning and cold check out CV SETUP WITH BEAM VACUUM RF EN-STI BE-BI & CO ACCESS COMMISSIONING NEW ACCESS SYSTEM Beam back from L2 to PSB 30/05/2014 Beam back from PSB to PS 20/06/2014 Beam Off : 11/02/2013 CVCV Survey Magnet s Cable Lift & crane CVVacuum RF BI & CO Access EPC Powerin g Tests Collimat ion (STI) Kickers Septa
EN PSB (4/4) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay5
EN CPS (1/5) 24/05/2013LSC – S. Mataguez6 PS Tune Strip-line BPM in SS72 has been installed and aligned. Route Goward shielding improvement program is advance, the Septum 16 External Shielding program is on study how to start 1 month earlier. Main magnets HV tests are completed How many Main Magnets need to be refurbished? PS Tune Strip-line Goward road
EN CPS (2/5) 24/05/2013S. Mataguez7 CV Consolidation program is on-going. – Removal of asbestos: HVAC TR 6 & 8 and galleries 1&3 completed (galleries 1&3 are accessible) HVAC TR 1 & 3 and galleries 5 & 7 in progress (40%) – Mechanical dismantling of HVAC TR 5 just started (10%) – Civil engineering activity HVAC TR 6 & 8 is completed chimney 6 & 8 just started The 10 MHz Coarse Tuning Groups of Two 10 MHz Cavities is completed Test will be done before the water station stopped (31/05) PS PSS Safety and Access System Installation: – The access via Door 101 is not possible from 01/04 to 20/06 – The access via Door 111 is not possible from 21/05 to 24/06 General Maintenance of the Kickers system is on-going. HVAC5 mechanical dismantling Door 111 is out of service !
EN CPS (3/5) 24/05/2013LSC – S. Mataguez8 Forecast – Sector PR90 will be venting in order to remove PR.BWS85 for re- calibration and to remove the tuner of the 80MHz cavity – Removal of SMH16 & SMH42 – Dismantling of cranes PR06 & PR20 – Start of the refurbishment of the piping of the chilled water circuit (no chilled water in PS, L2, L3)
EN Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec PS Surface Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. S1S Oct1 (SS01-SS13) Oct2 (SS14-SS26) S2S2 122 SY Oct3 (SS27-SS39) S3S3 SY 104 Oct4 (SS40-SS51) S4S4 117 SY Oct5 (SS52-SS64) S5S5 Oct6 (SS65-SS76) S6S6 111 S7S7 Oct7 (SS77-SS90) 112 Oct8 (SS91-SS100) S8S8 TT2 Line 101 CR G7 G5G3G1 CPS (4/5) 24/05/2013LSC – S. Mataguez9 Magn et Civil engine ering Access CV Ventil CV water Septa (SE) Kicker s Collim ation (STI) Vacuu m Cable EL (pow.) Lift & crane Power ing Tests RF Contro l EPC Fire detect ion Survey Beam instru menta tion RF CECE CECE CE R.GowardR.Goward Lift B269 Maintenance Sealing Powering tests EPCEPC Magnet tests MU14 MU55\ 57 MU75 SS15 Liberate CECE PS PSS complex new access system commissioning Sept.16 Sept.16 HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC HVACHVAC CV waterCV water SMH16 SEH23 Dummy SMH42 SMH57 STP STP STP Vacuum bake-outs STPSTP STP ELEL RF 10/07 01/05 Physics PS Setup with Beam PS Operations Cold Check-out ControlControl DSO tests Ready for extraction 10/07/14
EN CPS (5/5) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay10
EN SPS (1/3) 24/05/2013LSC – D. McFarlane11 Preparation works for the Civil engineering works in TT10 have begun. – Vacuum chambers have been removed from the work area – Magnets are in the process of being removed EL cable campaigns are slightly ahead of schedule. – EL are currently working in BA1 (surface, shaft and 1-), BA3 and BA5 – EL will be starting at BA4 next week (1 month ahead of schedule) The remaining 17 magnets that need to be changed (identified during the magnet tests in March) are now scheduled to be change during the 1 st 2 weeks of June. The vertical realignment of sextant 6 is progressing well. (on schedule) CV will be replacing the main isolating – (starting in June) as a result the main SPS ring main will be drained from the 17 th June until the 30 th August. While the ring main is drained there will be no water in the fire hydrants. In order for the fire brigade to still have access to fire water at each point in the event of an emergency they are in the process of installing large water reservoirs at each point. Water reservoir in BA1 TT10 line –dismantled Cabling campaign in SPS
EN SPS (2/3) 24/05/2013LSC - D. McFarlane12
EN SPS (3/3) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay13
EN AD (1/2) 24/05/2013LSC – N. Gilbert14 Buffer zone equipped with access system. TREC system installation is progress Vacuum: – maintenance is progressing well – Girder line 7000: : 3D layout finalized. Vacuum team now takes over for the manufacturing of the connection elements Electrical activities are progressing well BNH06 removal - delays in coil manufacturing – 1st coil manufactured by the end of this month Renewal stoch. cooling power supply : commissioning could not be completed (foreseen by the end of this month) Concern : cooling water is needed for the bake-outs, but a solution looks possible (discussion with EN/CV on 23/05) ! Discussions to be continued with EN/CV. AD buffer zone Power supply of stoch. cooling
EN AD (2/2) 24/05/2013LSC – D. Hay15
EN LEIR (1/2) 24/05/2013LSC – N. Gilbert16 Buffer zone at the Linac is progressing well. (will be shared with LEIR) Reshuffling shielding blocks for new access point was completed 2 weeks ago. Scheduling and organizing of future bake-out (sectors 1, 2 and 5) in progress – Concerns with the chilled water availability
EN LEIR (2/2) 24/05/2013LSC – N. Gilbert17