An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Climate Change.


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Presentation transcript:

An initiative of the ACP Group of States funded by the European Union Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Climate Change Finance GENERAL INTRODUCTION Ms Isabelle Mamaty Senior Expert Climate Support Facility

What is the GCCA ? Two complementary pillars 2

Enhanced dialogue with developing countries on climate change (Pillar 1)  Convergence of visions on a post-2012 climate regime  Regional conferences and declarations  Asia, May 2010  Africa, October 2010  Pacific, March 2011  Caribbean, March 2011  Side events at UNFCC Cop  National policy dialogues (see pillar 2) 3

Increased support for climate change  Second pillar of the GCCA  € 206 million ( )  € 83 million ( )  Promote approaches to integrate climate change into development planning and budgeting  Focus on integration of climate change in poverty reduction efforts, adaptation in water and agriculture, REDD, CDM and DRR o Mainstreaming programmes and workshops o Implementation of NAPAs  Budget support as preferred modality 4

Technical and Financial support (Pillar 2) - What are the priorities? 1.Mainstreaming climate change into poverty reduction and development efforts 2.Adaptation actions particularly in water and agriculture sectors 3.Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest degradation (REDD) 4.Enhancing participation in the global carbon market 5.Disaster Risk reduction (DRR) 5

Technical and Financial support (Pillar 2) - What are we working on? 6

Distribution of aid modalities used by GCCA interventions to

Criteria of Access to GCCA funding  The criteria used to prioritise the countries are the following: o LDC and/or SIDS recipients of aid (according to the official OECD/DAC and UN lists: and o Vulnerability to climate change o Adaptive capacity o Political commitment o Funds are allocated to the highest ranking countries, based on population figures and on availability of resources. 8

Technical and financial support (Pillar 2) – Where does GCCA work ? Belize, Guyana, Jamaica Regional: CCCCC and OECS Mozambique, Mali, Tanzania, Senegal, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Gambia, Benin, Uganda, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Tchad, Djibouti, DRC, Burkina, RCA, Seychelles, Mauritius Regional: COMESA, ECOWAS/CILLS, ClimDev Africa Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, East Timor Regional: Mekong River Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, PNG Regional: University of South Pacific, SPC Mainstreaming programmes Mainstreaming workshops Budget support Sector programmes

Lessons learned: aid effectiveness, mainstreaming & budget support  Ownership: supporting developing countries’ agendas o National development or sector strategies o National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)  Alignment: using country systems o Promoting CC integration into national dvpt planning & budgeting Country programmes Training workshops with ministries of finance o Budget support for climate change  Harmonisation: improved coordination (within EU, with other partners) o Joint financing (e.g. GCCA with IE, CY, CZ, SE, Estonia) o Joint programming (e.g. GCCA with DK, GE, UN)  Paving the way for scaled up climate change response through dialogue, capacity building and actions 10

What is the Intra-ACP Programme?  Part of the GCCA  Period:  All activities linked to sustainable development and achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs )  6 components o 5 geographical components: o and 1 support component  Overall coordination by the ACP Secretariat 11

INTRA-ACP Programme Support to access Funds 1.Communicate on new opportunities offered by funds or other climate change related programmes 2.Detailed briefings on the existing funds (eligibility criteria, priorities, precise requirements, clarification on application forms,...). 3.Country-based consultations in view of matching country priority needs with available opportunities and development of an action plan to get access to funding* 4.Mobilise short term TA to develop project proposals or carry out other short term tasks that require in-country presence and consultations. 12

Modalities of support from the Climate Change ACP Programme  Both the country-based consultations and the provision of short term Technical assistance are DEMAND-DRIVEN  Priority will be given to LDCs and SIDS. 13

Workshop methodology  Each module is presented as follows: o Part 1: Presentation session o Part 2: Turning words into action session: discussion on the presentation, exchange of experiences and identification of specific needs of the country related to the subject Where to find the information presentation of case studies; practical exercise 14

Workshop objectives  Learning objectives: o To be aware that additional external sources of finance through climate finance could be a response to the country needs in dealing with climate change impacts in their development process o To provide a brief introduction of the main existing external sources of finance of climate change  Expected outcomes o Increased awareness on the fact that external funds should fully be incorporated into national planning processes and not processed as standalone projects o Increased knowledge of the accessing modalities and procedures of these fund mechanisms 15

Workshop presentation 16 ModulesCovered issues Module 1- Understanding climate finance Climate change and sustainable development linkages; Mainstreaming climate change into national development planning and budgeting; Financing climate change; External sources of climate change Module 2- UNFCC related funds Presentation of accessibility conditions of key UNFCC related funds e.g. Adaptation fund; LDCs fund, Special Climate change Fund (SCCF), and GEF Trust Fund and introduction of the status of the Green fund. Module 3 – Multilateral and Bilateral climate funds Brief presentation of selected existing Multilateral and bilateral climate funds, including the status of the African Green Fund Module 4- Introduction to Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) CDM background and concept (additionality and baseline scenario); CDM project presentation, CDM project types and CDM challenges in developing countries Module 5- Introduction to Voluntary Carbon Market Functioning of Voluntary markets( VER concept) ; voluntary market project procedures (standards, registries…) ; voluntary market project types : voluntary market vs. CDM project ; Voluntary market opportunities in developing countries Module 6- Introduction to REDD REDD in international negotiations, REDD implementation challenges; REDD funding resources Module 7- SynthesisSummary, conclusions and workshop evaluation

Thank you Contact: Dr. Pendo MARO, ACP Secretariat or