Rice origin and distribution
Word status Rice is the 2nd largest produced cereal in the world. rough rice production in millian mt. Rough rice yield in mt/ha Production is geographically concentrated in Western and Easter Asia with more than 90 percent of world output and consumption
HISTORY Rice plant was found 10,000years ago rice cultivation began simultaneously in many countries over 6500 years ago. But first sign of cultivation about 5500 years ago in China. as well as in Thailand around 4500 B.C. They later appeared in Cambodia, Vietnam and southern India. There were 20 wild rice spp.
In the beginning rice grew as wild today most countries cultivate varieties belonging to the Oryza type Only two of them offer an agriculture interest for humans: -Oryza sativa - Oryza glaberrima present
Evolutionary pathway of cultivated rice
Oryza glaberrima Oryza glaberrima, commonly known as African rice, is a domesticated rice species. Less known than Asian rice Originate after Asian rice Oryza glaberrima are grown in Africa as human food
Oryza sativa a common Asian rice found in most producing countries Asia.asia.docxasia.docx Indica are more prone to warm, semitropical and tropical climate area. Three main types Has about 20 wild types First originated type
Rice distribution in Asia. Place of origin of Asian rice to be in the area from Assam of India extending to Yunnan of China. domestication of rice in Asia may have occurred independently at about same time. Domesticated three types of o.sativa spp.
Oryza indica In present most distributed type Extended to southern part of Assam then migrated to southern and central part of India. Mostly in Bengal area :Bengal series First type introduced to Sri Lanka in 513B.C Eg:Indo-china peninsula and china
Oryza japonica Formed at downstream sites of Yangtze river. So it is Yangtze river series. Extended to northern part of Assam due to temperate climate. E.g.: Korea, Japan, Russia and Syria etc.
Oryza javanica Least distributed Asian type. Tropical and temperate characters Mostly extended to Indonesia,Philippines and Myanmar
Japonica and Indica expanded to other Asian countries also: -Korea -Japan - Myanmar -Pakistan -Sri Lanka - Philippines and -Indonesia The Asian rice (Oryza sativa) was adapted to farming in the Middle East and Mediterranean Europe around 800 B.C.
Rice distribution in africa African rice was domesticated 2,000-3,000 years ago in the Inland delta of the Upper Niger river now in Mali The Asian rice species was introduced in West Africa at around 1500 by the Portuguese The upper coastal part of West Africa was historically known as the “Rice Coast”
Rice distribution in Africa 10%- 30% Share of cereal intake 0%- 5% 5%- 10% 30%- 50% Source FAO, WARDA
Top Ten Rice Producers by Country Together, China and India accounted for over half of the world’s rice supply in China 182 million tons (28.8% of global rice) 2. India million tons (21.6%) 3. Indonesia 54.4 million tons (8.6%) 4. Bangladesh 43.7 million tons (6.9%) 5. Vietnam 35.8 million tons (5.7%) 6. Thailand 29.3 million tons (4.6%) 7. Myanmar 25.2 million tons (4%) 8. Philippines 15.3 million tons (2.4%) 9. Brazil 11.5 million tons (1.8%) 10. Japan 10.7 million tons (1.7%).
Distribution of the world paddy rice production (average )
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