Preparation of a Strategic Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) Project - Phase I (November January 2013) Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Grant No. TF through ADB and World Bank
2 Presented by: Thomas Boivin Hatfield Consultants Technical Assistance on Science-Based Adaptation Planning and Outreach (Components 4 & 5) Inception Meeting, Phnom Penh, Cambodia April 23-24, 2012
Presentation Outline 1. Scope of Component 4 & 5 2. Step-wise Integrated Approach 3. Inception Phase 4. Component 4 – Science-based Adaptation Planning 5. Component 5 – Outreach 6. Collaboration with National Specialists for Component 5 7. Final Phase Activities 8. Key Deliverables 9. Organization and Staffing 10. Collaboration with Line Ministries 3
Components 4 & 5 are to provide technical support to implement specific activities during PPCR Phase 1 focusing on science-based adaptation planning (C4) and outreach activities (C5). C 4 - Science-based Adaptation Planning › Credible, evidence-based scientific information is made accessible for application in climate/disaster risk management; and C 5 - Outreach › An effective platform to manage and disseminate climate and sector data and information; and › Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment to review proposed policies, programs and projects. Scope of Our Assignment 4
› Inception phase for C4 and C5 › C4 Science-based Adaptation Planning › Current status of hydro-met network and knowledge management › Analysis of downscaled scenarios › Vulnerability & adaptation in key sectors of priority provinces › Climate Resilience Decision Support Tools (DSTs) › C5 Outreach › Rapid End-User Need Assessment of MOE Climate Change Website › Preparation of Policy Briefs › Prepare Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework › Final Closure Phase 5 Step-wise Integrated Approach
› Literature review – month 1 (March) › Draft Inception Report submitted for comments (4 April 2012) › Inception Meeting and Consultation Workshop on PPCR Implementation (23-24 April 2012) › Final Inception Report (30 April 2012) © Hatfield Consultants. All Rights Reserved. 6 Inception Phase
7 ›Assess current network coverage ›Assess hydro-met stations & rehabilitation ›Evaluate current roles & responsibilities ›Assess regional data compatibility & accessibility ›Analyze knowledge management systems ›Assess information dissemination ›Needs assessment & recommendations report (End of May) ›Assess current network coverage ›Assess hydro-met stations & rehabilitation ›Evaluate current roles & responsibilities ›Assess regional data compatibility & accessibility ›Analyze knowledge management systems ›Assess information dissemination ›Needs assessment & recommendations report (End of May) Task 1.1. Current status of hydro met network and knowledge management – April to May, 2012 Task 1.2. Analysis of downscaled scenarios - May to June, 2012 ›Review existing modeling work ›Evaluate applicability ›Training and workshop (mid-late June) ›Review existing modeling work ›Evaluate applicability ›Training and workshop (mid-late June) Component 4 Science-based Adaptation Planning
8 Component 4 Science-based Adaptation Planning Task 1.4. Vulnerability & adaptation In key sectors of priority provinces assessed – May to July, 2012 ›Review policy processes ›Define existing conditions & change processes ›Review climate change impacts, vulnerability & adaptation in other countries ›Participatory mapping of vulnerability & adaptation ›Report (end of July) ›Review policy processes ›Define existing conditions & change processes ›Review climate change impacts, vulnerability & adaptation in other countries ›Participatory mapping of vulnerability & adaptation ›Report (end of July) ›Review existing DSTs ›Participatory selection of DSTs ›Training and Capacity Development (August) ›Report (September) ›Review existing DSTs ›Participatory selection of DSTs ›Training and Capacity Development (August) ›Report (September) Task 1.5. Climate Resilience Decision Support Tools (DSTs) – June to September,
9 Component 5 Outreach ›Rapid end-user needs assessment ›User Needs Assessment Report (May) ›Rapid end-user needs assessment ›User Needs Assessment Report (May) Task 2.1. Rapid End-User Need Assessment of MOE Climate Change Website - April to May, 2012 Task 2.2 Preparation of Policy Briefs – May to November, 2012 ›Support development of four Policy Briefs (May-November)
10 Component 5 Outreach Task 2.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Framework ›M&E Framework for PPCR Phase 1 to report on the regular progress of activities and outcomes (May-November) Task 2.3: Prepare Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) ›Review and evaluate SESA approaches and application in Cambodia ›Discuss with partners on the most appropriate set-up for SESA ›Prepare SESA System (May-November) ›On-the-job training in the use of SESA (November) ›Review and evaluate SESA approaches and application in Cambodia ›Discuss with partners on the most appropriate set-up for SESA ›Prepare SESA System (May-November) ›On-the-job training in the use of SESA (November)
Management Information System Technology (MIST) Specialist 11 Collaborations with National Specialists for Component 5 Rapid-assessment of climate change website Rapid assessment of CC website User needs assessment Project reports and policy briefs Provide support to MIST users in climate change and link web-base with firms in all components Data exchange with stakeholders (Government, general public, NGOs forum, CCCA) Monthly download of project information onto the website Assist with the preparation of training materials Testing & application of new ICTs (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) Communications Specialist Climate change awareness campaign Dissemination of project information Evaluate the use of PPCR website Build relationships with other institutions User needs assessment Policy briefs, user needs assessment Inception phase activities, User needs assessment Rapid assessment of CC website Policy briefs Rapid assessment of CC website User needs assessment Hatfield Inputs
© Hatfield Consultants. All Rights Reserved. 12 Final Phase Activities ›Draft Final Report for the project (October) ›Final project workshop to present project findings (November) ›Finalization and submission of Final Report (December) ›Print out and disseminate all tangible deliverables (December) ›Draft Final Report for the project (October) ›Final project workshop to present project findings (November) ›Finalization and submission of Final Report (December) ›Print out and disseminate all tangible deliverables (December)
13 Key Deliverables 1 Inception report outlining implementation arrangement, timelines, preliminary findings and proposed methodologies (English, with executive summary in Khmer) 2 Report on need assessment and recommendations (design and initial budget estimates) for an upgraded meteorological and hydrological monitoring network in Cambodia 3 A succinct analytical report on the value of multi-model downscaled climate scenarios for Cambodia in terms of direct application for policy and plan making 4 Synthesis report on vulnerability and adaptation assessment for the key sectors including strategic and operational recommendations
14 Key Deliverables 5 Concise report on suitability and relevance of currently available climate resilience DSTs to assess vulnerability, resilience and adaptation options to climate change in Cambodia 6 Four reader friendly policy briefs related to components A SESA system for screening and scoping policies, programmes and projects, and M&E framework for Phase 1 activities to provide program management with regular progress of information and to track the achievement of key outcomes 8 Consolidated Final Report
15 Organization and Staffing
16 Collaboration with Line Ministries Key technical deliverables will be submitted for review by the CCTT through one of the following mechanisms: HCP ›Submit to the CCTT via the PPCR Program Office (CCD); ›Include the CCTT in mailing list for key deliverables; and/or ›Set up a Dropbox for document sharing with the CCTT and Project Teams. ›Time management: one week for review and one week for finalizing deliverables/knowledge products.
Thank you! 17 Thomas Boivin Managing Director HATFIELD CONSULTANTS MEKONG Vientiane, Lao PDR. Mobile phone For further information contact: Sokhem Pech, Team Leader Manager of International Development Group HATFIELD CONSULTANTS PARTNERSHIP North Vancouver, BC, CANADA Office phone Mobile phone