1 The Future is a Monstrous & Marvelous M A S H u P ! Wayne Hodgins Want to join?
2 Wayne Hodgins Strategic Futurist President & Co-Founder Learnativity.org Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Object Metadata Strategic Advisor
Coming to you Live from the Good Ship Learnativity Nov. 08, 2007 Wayne Hodgins
4© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Seeing Patterns & Trends:
5© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins WARNING: Time Warp Ahead!!
6© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins It’s ALL Yours! For Questions & Comments please contact: For slides, blogs, podcasts and more: Slides
7© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins
8© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins A new perspective is worth 80 IQ points - Alan Kay Prepare to get much smarter!
9© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Mashups? A mash up is a website or web application that seamlessly combines content from more than one source into an integrated experience. Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or API. Other methods of sourcing content for mashups include Web feeds (e.g. RSS or Atom) and JavaScript.API Web feedsRSSAtomJavaScript The etymology of this term almost certainly derives from its similar use in pop music. pop music Many people are experimenting with mashups using eBay, Amazon, Google, Windows Live, and Yahoos APIs. Source:
10© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Mash up Quotes: Nowadays, there's a lot of talk about Web 2.0, web mashups, Ajax, etc., which in my mind are all facets of the same phenomenon: that information and presentation are being separated in ways that allow for novel forms of reuse." Sho KuwamotoWeb 2.0AjaxSho Kuwamoto "We know we don't have a corner on creativity. There are creative people all around the world, hundreds of millions of them, and they are going to think of things to do with our basic platform that we didn't think of. So the mash up stuff is a wonderful way of allowing people to find new ways of applying the basic infrastructures we're propagating. This will turn out to be a major source of ideas for applying Google-based technology to a variety of applications." Vint CerfVint Cerf
11© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins That’s SOOOooooo yesterday Dad! Wayne’s definition: A mash up is a unique new assembly of individual things from more than one source into a single integrated whole. Mashups are for EVERYTHING! Music Content Wiki, blogs Searching/finding Tag Clouds Events Competencies, people Nov. 08, 2007
12 Mashups simplified: You already know the model Think Lego blocks!
13© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins EVERYTHING becomes a Mashup! Music, TV, video Infinite channels Content Wiki, blogs, aggregators, readers, CMS Searching/finding Tag Clouds Maps Events UNconferences Competencies, people Project based crowdsourcing Games & Simulations Alternate reality **NOT alternative or virtual realities
14 Wayne Hodgins Class Schedule Register Sponsors Hotel Info Logistics/Schedule Register Who's Coming Discussion Ideas Sponsors Hotel Information | Home | About Mash up Camp | Mash up University | Blog HomeAbout Mash up CampMash up UniversityBlog Important Notice: Although registration for Mash up Camp is closed (we've reached the maximum capacity for the venue), we're still adding people to the waiting list. To add yourself to the waiting list, go to the Camp registration page.Camp registration page The first Mash up Camp at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Left: Ward Cunningham leads a discussion Middle: Attendees get ready to propose sessions Right: Lawrence Lessig leads a discussion about Creative Commonsdiscussion about Creative Commons Moderately useful blurb on unconferences Inserted from
15© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Pandora and the Music Genome Project
16 The Snowflake Effect Unique is What We Seek!
17© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins The Snowflake Effect: UNIQUE is what we seek! You’re a Snowflake More so, every situation and every project is unique Always has been, always will be
18© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins The Snowflake Effect: If this is SO obvious If this has always been so And always will be Then why do we live in a world designed for the opposite?
19© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins The Snowflake Effect: The ideal is getting to “just right” * Just the right CONTENT, to Just the right PERSON, with Just the right PARTNERS, at Just the right TIME, on Just the right DEVICE, in Just the right CONTEXT, and Just the right WAY ……… * not to be confused with perfection!!
20© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins The Snowflake Effect M a S S P e R S O N A L i Z A T i O N It’s not about “e” it’s about me!! Personalized Learning Experiences for every person every day all 6.6 billion of us!! (and counting) Just for me and just right: On demand, adaptive Markets of one: Billions of Markets “Capitalizing on EVERY Teachable Moment”
21© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Mass personalization: What’s New? Unique means unique! Uniqueness for the rest of us. The genie is out of the bottle, there is no turning back. It’s now possible And more and more know it and are demanding it
22© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Fun is a feature not a bug! The opposite of work isn’t play, it’s depression! -Brian Sutton-Smith, University of Pennsylvania
23© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Parting Thoughts: Think about inverting the norms: Producers become consumers Consumers become Producers Turning customers into employees (eg content contributors) Employees as customers (using your own) Teachers + Learners Tearners? Serious Play; how are YOU learning? Reading or listening NOT ENOUGH! Largely experiential now Try out some of the previous list
24© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Innovation not replication! Nov. 08, 2007
25© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins Innovation not replication! Let’s stop “flapping” and replicating past artifacts It is NOT about flapping faster!! Let’s start thinking DIFFERENTLY !! Nov. 08, 2007 How does this apply to YOU?!
26 Questions?
27© 2006 Autodesk Wayne Hodgins For Questions & Comments please contact: See “Off Course – On Target” for slides, podcasts, blogs and much more: Thanks! Nov. 08, 2007