International Collaboration: opening up access to and sharing of data resources Kristine Doronenkova,
Presentation Overview The Role of Research Resources ESRC International Strategy Resources and International Strategy Pathfinders Initiative Background and overview Next steps
Strategic Role of the Research Resources: Strengthening research capacity through data infrastructure and methods Aim: to create a world class UK social science infrastructure that will underpin the delivery of highest quality social and economic research Maximise easy and effective access to that infrastructure Drive forward the development and uptake of leading edge methodological tools and techniques to improve the creation, management and analysis of data resources Promote the widespread exploitation of the data infrastructure across and beyond the social science community Develop and promote access to the broader information resources that underpin high quality social science research Ensure the human resource capacity to utilise the infrastructure National Data Strategy: to maximise the research potential of existing data... developing better access to existing data and facilitating a broad research agenda ESRC Strategic Plan: to exploit the potential of existing data sources...
ESRC International Strategy Why engage internationally? Many of today’s social and economic problems transcend national borders and require global research effort to address e.g. climate change, global economic crisis, security, population change Government aim of the UK being the partner of choice for potential collaborators (Science and Innovation Framework ) Increasing importance of the emerging science nations such as China, India and Brazil Developments in technology have improved our ability to collaborate internationally
International Resources Strategy Delivering the international ambitions of the ESRC requires researchers to have access to a wide range of international resources. This demands: improved availability of data resources from countries where access has been traditionally limited (such as Africa, Asia and Latin America); the development of international comparative methodologies and research into the transferability of different methods in different cultural contexts; and engagement in international efforts and initiatives aimed at improving access to social science data resources.
Pathfinder Research Projects: Widening the International Research Programme ESRC’s Review of International Data Needs and Resources, 2005 Recommendation to develop knowledge about and improve access to data in the ‘Rising Powers’ Data Discovery: A Rough Guide to Microdata in Brazil, China, India and South Africa, 2007 Highlighted the wealth of microdata available for secondary data analysis in various areas Argued for an increased sharing of microdata across the global social research community Workshops in Brazil (December 2007) and India (December 2008) Economic Restructuring, Higher Education, Social Equality Informed and built foundation for the ESRC’s initiative on Collaborative Analysis of Micro Data Resources: Brazil-India Pathfinder Projects
Pathfinder Research Projects: Overview Pathfinder Research Projects will: Support ESRC’s international agenda and facilitate world class research partnership through building or strengthening research networks Multi-disciplinary research projects (12 months long) involving collaboration between research teams and individuals based in UK and those based overseas Familiarise social scientists with a range of data resources available in partner countries through supporting projects based on secondary data analysis of the existing microdata Address research themes of Economic Restructuring, Higher Education and Social Equality and possibly other areas supporting research challenges identified in ESRC’s Strategic Plan Complement a wider ESRC’s initiative on Rising Powers, Global Challenges and Social Change aimed at deepening understanding of the regional and global impact of the Rising Powers and the economic, political and social implications for the UK
Pathfinder Research Projects: next steps Launch bilateral (UK-India and UK-Brazil) and trilateral (UK-Brazil-India) projects under current ESRC’s call on Collaborative Analysis of Microdata Resources: Brazil-India Pathfinder Research Projects Successful project will start on 1 April 2010 and will continue for 12 months Invite successful projects to take part in Research Methods Festival 2010 at Oxford University to disseminate information on data resources in India and Brazil Develop broader network of researchers within existing and new research collaborations through, e.g. visiting fellows and post doctoral fellows and studentships as a part of ESRC’s wider initiative on Rising Powers Pathfinder workshops and calls in China and South Africa.
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