Get Creative: Get Connected Tippi Clayborne EDUC 7102 Walden University
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Creative Commons is a public charity dedicated to reducing barriers to the free exchange of knowledge and culture by making it easy and efficient to obtain legal permission to reuse creative, scientific, and educational works. Taking inspiration from the open source movement, CC has developed Web applications that help people license their original works for specified uses while retaining their copyrights.
Creative Commons licenses give you the ability to dictate how others may exercise your copyright rights—such as the right of others to copy your work, make derivative works or adaptations of your work, to distribute your work and/or make money from your work. Creative Commons licenses attach to the work and authorize everyone who comes in contact with the work to use it consistent with the license.
Photos are the most common type of online content created, accessed, shared or used Base: All Respondents U.S. Content Creators (n=1000) U.S. Content Users (n=1006) There are far more users of images, videos, music and games than there are creators of these types of content Profile of U.S. Content Creators and Users Defining Noncommerical Appendix 5.6 – 5
Abbreviation Key: BY=Attribution NC=Non-Commercial ND=No Derivative Works SA=Share Alike
Creative Commons licenses are expressed in three different formats: the Commons Deed (human-readable code) the Legal Code (lawyer-readable code) and the metadata (machine readable code)
In , Creative Commons commissioned a study from a professional market research firm to explore understandings of the terms “commercial use” and “noncommercial use” among Internet users when used in the context of content found online. The empirical findings suggest that creators and users approach the question of noncommercial use similarly and that overall, online U.S. creators and users are more alike than different in their understanding of noncommercial use. The results of the survey provide a starting point for future research. In the specific context of the Creative Commons licenses, the findings suggest some reasons for the ongoing success of Creative Commons NC licenses, rules of thumb for licensors releasing works under NC licenses and licensees using works released under NC licenses, and serve as a reminder to would-be users of the NC licenses to consider carefully the potential societal costs of a decision to restrict commercial use.
Creative Commons License In summary, under this type of licence, readers are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution under these conditions: attribution in the manner specified by the author or licenser; non-commercial —readers and users cannot re-use the material for commercial purposes; and share alike — if readers or other users alter, transform or build upon the work, they may distribute this work only under the same or similar licence to this one.
Berkman Center for Internet & Society EduCause Review olume40/AReviewofCreativeCommonsandSci/ olume40/AReviewofCreativeCommonsandSci/ Mandiberg, Michael a-creative-commons-license-ten-steps/ a-creative-commons-license-ten-steps/ New Media Consortium Plagiarism Today commons-debuts-study-on-noncommercial-use/ commons-debuts-study-on-noncommercial-use/ Science Commons UCLA Library University of Iowa Liraries VideoLectures.Net Wikipedia