Bioinformatics and Bioengineering Technical Committee (BBTC) Chair: Jung-Hsien Chiang Vice-Chairs: Steven Corns Sanaz Mostaghim June 18, 2013
BBTC Members 2012 Dec AdCom2013 June AdCom 32 Members26 Members North America: 17 North America: 12 Latin America: 0 Europe: 7 Europe: 6 Africa: 0 Asia: 7 Asia: 8 Oceania: 1 Oceania: 0 Male: 23, Female: 9 Members from Industry: 0 Male: 20, Female: 6 Members from Industry: 0 New Members: 3New Members: 5
BBTC Main Conference Statistics YearLocationAttendance Accepted /Submitted OralPosterSS 1 Work- shops TutorialsComp 2 06 Toronto67/106 (63%) SSCI72/131 (55%) Sun Valley 39/ 60 (65%) 09 SSCI43/ 85 (51%) Montreal 42/ 65 (65%) SSCI27/ 50 (54%) San Diego 60/ 83 (70%) SSCI44/ 69 (63%) Honolulu SS: Special Sessions 2. Comp: Competitions CIBCB : Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Plans for 2014 and 2015: A proposal for IEEE CIBCB 2014 at Honolulu was approved by the CIS AdCom. Proposals for IEEE CIBCB 2015 will be discussed at the 2013 Cancun meeting.
Activities in 2013 Symposium: CIBCB 2013, April 16-19, 2013 Special Sessions: 1. Computational Intelligence in Genetic Regulatory Network (organized by Alioune Ngom, Sanjoy Das, Yifeng Li, Chengpeng (Charlie) Bi, Youlian Pan,) 2. Interpretable models for bioinformatics and biosignals (organized by Paulo Lisboa) 3. Medical Informatics (organized by Victor Lee and Xia Fei)
Activities in 2013 Keynote Speeches: Keynote1: Pattern Recognition Methods for Biomolecular Data Analysis By Dr. Hong Yan Keynote2: Knowledge-based Systems in Immunology: Data Mining of Vaccine Targets from Viral Pathogens By Dr. Vladimir Brusic Keynote3: Interpretability in Computational Intelligence By Dr. Paulo Lisboa
Activities in 2013 IEEE CEC2013 Special Sessions: Evolutionary Computation in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (Organized by Sheridan Houghten, Michael Lones, and Clare Bates Congdon) Tutorials: “Using evolutionary algorithms in the modeling and analysis of gene signaling pathways” By Sorin Draghici
1.Review of recent activities CIBCB2013 CEC Updated CIBCB2014 information (Chair: Steven Corns) keynote speakers focus on advertising 3. Discussion of CIBCB2015 proposal 4. Working plan for Ways to improve task forces 6. BBTC website 2013 BBTC Meeting
1.Increase reach of CIBCB, with the hope of attracting more submissions 1.Broader scope of scientific areas and methods 2.Conference status in 2014 (Hawaii) 3.Consider extended papers for journal special issues 2.Continue to develop website 1.Portal to use for all CIBCB meetings 2.Record of past CIBCB meetings 3.Collect tutorial materials 3. Additional activities, 1.Competitions at SSCI 2014 and beyond 2.Call for proposals and tutorials at WCCI2014 Working Plan for
4.Strong supports for CIBCB meetings, and special sessions at other conferences 5.To dissolve all Task Forces, with encouragement for active ones to re-form in BBTC 1.Task forces should have “tasks” 2.Inactive TFs should be dismantled 3.Suggestion: have all TFs reapply 6.More BBTC-sponsored activities at WCCI, such as IJCNN and FUZZ-IEEE (Tutorials and Special Sessions) Working Plan for