Auto Insurance Types of coverage Costs of insurance
Car on top caused the accident People in the top car are injured their medical bills are covered by what coverage? 1.a People in the bottom car are injured – same question… 1.b The damage to top car.. covered by what? 1.c Damages to bottom car… covered by what? 1.d
Car hitting house The damages to the house and everything inside will be paid by the insured’s 2.a ::::::::::::::::: Bodily injury liability Property damages liability
Hit by King Clueless. Man – I should have paid my insurance premiums this month. IF this guy hits you – Who will have to pay for your car and you injuries? What type of coverage do you need to make sure you have? 3.a
WOW - How did that happen? What type of insurance is going to pay for these damages??? 4.a Why? 5.a
How much will it cost me??? Which scenario will the insurance cost more Write A or B on your answer sheet. AB Age 6.A 16 male40 male When you use your car 6.B Work, to drive on my job as pizza delivery guy To church and home on Sundays Number of miles 6.C 52,000/yr10,000/yr Value and type of car 6.D Ford TaurusMustang Convertible Where you live 6.E Bloomington ILDetroit MI Deductible 6.F /per accident /per accident
Still more to know??? Match the following terms with the definition A. Compulsory Insurance Laws B. Financial Responsibility Laws C. Assigned Risk plan D. No- fault Insurance. These are questions 7.1 – IF you have been turned down because of a bad driving record you will be put into a group whose premiums are very high but who must be provided with insurance by an insurance company. Each com. Must take a certain number of these. 2. IF you have an accident and no insurance and cannot make good on the claim your license will be suspended or taken away. 3. You cannot get a license without proof of insurance when you have this law in your state. 4. No matter who is at fault each company pays their own insured’s damages. This is to minimize the amount of lawsuits going on over damages.