Chinese Alligator By Krystian
Habitat The Chinese Alligator lives in rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, swamps, adjacent land.
Color The Alligator is spikey, tan, brown, and black.
Size The Male Alligator is 5 feet long. The female Alligator is 4 and a half feet long.
Food The Alligator eats clams, snails, insects, fish, small mammals, and birds.
Predators Other Alligators for food and or territory.
How many are left ? The remaining population of the Chinese Alligator in the wild are 130. The remaining left in world are 19,000.
Why are they Endangered ? The Alligator is endangered because their wetland has been largely converted into rice paddies, and confined into drainage.
Protected We put the Chinese Alligator into the zoo and then released them into the wild.
Interesting Facts Lager Chinese Alligators can live in frozen water by keeping their noses above the water so the water doesn’t freeze over.
Works Cited Saint Louis Zoo. ”Chinese Alligator” Internet. 16 Oct 12. www. arkive. Org. www. Toledo zoo. Org.