The American alligator eats fish, birds and small mammals until it starts to get larger and then it will eat animals like baby black bears and full grown deer. As for what hunts American Alligators, only humans are above them and kill them to make purses and boots.
The American alligator usually lives in either a swamp or wetlands area in the Southeastern part of the united states. Diseases for the alligator are mostly caused by stress and either it will make an alligator not eat or not be able to thermo regulate correctly.
The reason I chose this organism is because I have always liked reptiles and alligators/crocodiles are my favorite animals due to their incredible skills at hunting and the look of alligator is slick and dangerous.
Not having the American alligator will cause a lot of its prey to grow uncontrollably which will cause those animals to eat more of their prey and they will die off and then every organism in the community will die. Having this organism helps control the carrying capacity.
Since the government seen this animal as being endangered they made it illegal to kill and sell their skin and it has worked very well since the law passed, also some alligators go to alligator farms and zoos and are bred. This process is working very well and they should continue it.
The reason the American alligator is endangered is because many hunters made a lot of money by killing them and using their skins for boots, purses and more.