By: Ben Buckingham Brandon Denton, & Colton Brooks
(Drawing By Benn Buckingham)
This species is a four-legged beast with seven tails covered with dirty blonde hair. The seven tailed swamp beast has gills and a lantern on its head so it can survive underwater as long as it wants to. It has a protective shell to protect it from alligators and crocodiles. When fireflies get caught in his mouth they light his lantern. It also has seven tails to skewer its foes/prey. It has never been discovered before because it is really small. This animal has no eyes and has an extra strong nose to help it see. 30 cm tall and 45 cm long.
The Seven Tailed Swamp Beast lives in the swamp under the water down in Louisiana. It sleeps under the mud. The climate in the bayou is 70% humidity with a wind speeds of 10.4 MPH NW the dewpoint is 74 degrees Fahrenheit and a heat index of 93 degrees Fahrenheit. And the biotic factors are he bugs it eats, the alligators that try to eat the animal and the grass it hides in.
The seven tailed swamp beast’s habitat is the swamps in Louisiana (bayou). This animal’s habitat also is home to alligators reptile diversity and plant diversity. This habitat is full of biodiversity that interact with our newly discovered species in many ways. There is a picture of the habitat on the next slide.
The species is endangered because of global warming and the raising population of it’s predator the alligator. The human community destroying it’s habitat. Along with people littering and polluting the swamps. The animal finds it hard to adapt to this in environment and disintegrates.
The seven tailed swamp beasts’ niche in it’s ecosystem is to keep the population of mosquitoes down. The seven tailed swamp beast also provides energy for the alligators. This animal’s feces is the best fertilizer for grass and trees which provides food for other animals. Also, this animal can poison other animals and does this to predators of other animals.
We will put up “No construction” signs We will put up No trespassing” signs We will make a law so that anyone who does not pay attention will be arrested and fined $250. We will use the money the government gives us to do these things