Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Recycling C&D While Managing Organics/Wood Prepared For: Environmental Business Council October 28, 2005
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) This Document… Identifies why C&D derived wood is a “must handle” when you are recycling mixed C&D Identifies the “types” of C&D wood by general category Identifies existing and future uses of C&D wood Briefly outlines “barriers” that must be overcome Provides general processing methodologies for wood extraction based on re-use opportunities
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) C&D Waste Stream (GSE Experience) Extractable wood [clean/dirty] (35-45%) Cardboard (3-5%) Aggregate (3-10%) Ferrous & non-ferrous (4-8%) Fines/ADC (12-50%) [highly variable based on process, screen size and mission of facility) Non-recyclables (10-20%) [carpet, rags, plastics, insulation, etc.) Other [shingles, wallboard, engineered material)
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Why is C&D Wood a “Must Handle”? Wood volume can be over 60% of the waste stream Generally well over 40% by weight. Without diverting or recycling 40% of the waste stream a break-even scenario is not likely. C&D wood has many useful applications that are cheaper than disposal (mostly diversionary) Why waste air-space on a commodity that has a low compaction ratio?
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Types of Wood in C&D Clean wood (basically “exemptible”) Manufactured wood (glues, veneers) Treated wood (CCA, creosote), and Painted wood (latex, oil, lead)
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Current Markets (Pre-Ban) ADC (lined landfill) Grading & Shaping (lined landfill) Landfill Closure (unlined landfill) Sludge Bulking Agent Fuel for Wood Burning Energy Facilities (e.g. Borolex) Fuel for Municipal Waste Combustors (based on season and moisture) Re-use centers (large timbers/engineered materials)
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Wood Fuel
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Potential Use-Landfill Closure [fill]
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Fines Generated From a 1” Screen
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) C&D Fines Fines Generated From a 3 –Inch Screen
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) C&D Residuals 6-Inch Residuals Generated From a Grinding Process
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Post-Ban Markets (Potential) ADC Shaping & Grading Closure Sludge Bulking Fuel ( clean & “dirty” ) Wood Chip & Mulch ( demo project ) Animal Bedding (demo project) Bio-solid Composting Amendment (demo project) Stabilization & Erosion Control (demo project)
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Clean C&D Wood (Let’s Find a Value-Added Use )
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) C&D Wood Demonstration Project The intent of this demonstration project was to prove that wood extracted from the C&D waste stream can be utilized for higher value-added uses, to include: Mixing with mulch or wood mulch, Using for chips (including colorized chips), Mixing with bio-solids for compost, Animal bedding, and Manufacturing (pellets, logs, particle board, etc.)
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Key Participants S&J Exco, Inc. - Dennis, MA Daniels Recycling Co, Inc. - Orleans, MA New England Recycling, Inc. - Taunton, MA New Bedford Waste Services, LLC - New Bedford, MA Trojan Recycling, Inc. – Brockton, MA
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Importance of Demonstration Project Ban on C&D wood in the beginning of 2004 (hey 2005 is close ) –Ban imposes restrictions on the disposal of all C&D wood whether it’s “clean” or “dirty” –Outlets for C&D derived wood consist of “diversionary” markets such as: ADC Closure materials Fuel –Currently there is no existing market in Massachusetts for “clean” wood derived from C&D activities –The industry needs diversification
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Outcome of Project Data showed “clean” picked wood can be recycled Clean wood had similar chemical composition as exemptible wood waste (specifically coniferous and deciduous cuttings ) Final report will be submitted to MA DEP by end of October 2005 Will allow a facility to “recycle” rather than “divert” a portion of the wood from mixed C&D waste
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Barriers to Overcome 1.No BUDs for clean wood exist in MA 2.Competition for diversionary uses has increased, and markets have shrunk (e.g. H 2 S issues) 3.Costs for “diversionary” uses (cover, closure, shaping/grading) have increased considerably during the past several years. 4.Pricing for fuel appears to be getting better, however limited applications for “dirty” wood exist (e.g. CCA, creosote, lead - based on emissions control technologies) 5.Energy facilities must shift to newer control technologies to handle “dirtier” wood
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Wood Extraction Must decide what the commodity(s) is (are) (e.g. landfill diversion, fuel, recycling) Must consider the following processing options: –Kick sorting –Positive sort –Negative sort
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Kick Sorting Kick sorting is extraction of the commodity up-front before co-mingling Usually utilizes an excavator and/or manpower Kick sorting reduces the potential for cross contamination Several facilities in MA/NH kick-sort wood for fuel Commodity – Clean, dirty, or mixed
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Kick Sorted Wood
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Positive Sorting Positive sorting is extraction of the commodity using a C&D processing line after co-mingling (e.g. picking platform/station) Usually manual labor separates the commodity from the rest of the waste stream Several facilities in MA/NH/RI/CT positive sort wood for fuel. Commodity – Clean (limited due to cross- contamination), dirty, or mixed
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Positive Sorting
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Negative Sorting Negative sorting – there is typically no extraction of the commodity All of the other material (recyclables/non- recyclables) is removed using screeners, magnets, eddy current, float tanks, etc. With negative sorting, your commodity is the last product discharged from the processing line With fuel production, this is becoming a beneficial strategy
Full Scale Indoor C&D Processing Facility
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) Important “Take-aways” Can C&D-derived wood be “clean?” Can C&D recycling facilities create different “types” of wood products? Can more wood be extracted from C&D? Are other diversionary markets needed?
Green Seal Environmental, Inc. 28 Rt 6A Sandwich, MA P (508) F (508) More Information Green Seal Environmental, Inc. Greg Wirsen (508) or or