A closer approach to Alexander Monro family and its influence in modern anatomy Author: Ostopovici Marta Co-author: Darie Ruxandra Coordinator: Prof. Enciulescu Constantin, MD,PhD; Marisiensis, 2014
Introduction Alexander Monro family: A Scottish family formed by three generations of anatomists Primus, Secundus and Tertius Chair of Anatomy at the University of Edinburgh for 126 years
The Great Founder- John Monro Youngest son of Sir Alexander Monro A military surgeon in the army of Charles II In 1700 left the army Encouraged his son to study medicine
Monro dynasty Sir Alexander Monro (1670–1740) John Monro (1697-1767) Primus (1733-1817) Secundus (1773-1859) Tertius
The Objective The value of a strong legacy Three generations of anatomists? The end of a brilliant dynasty marked by the death of Dr. Paul Alexander Monro in July 2013
Medical historical books Material and Method: Collected data from: Online journals Historical articles Medical historical books Descriptive study…
The Monroes Medical career Discoveries Publications
Alexander Monro Primus- Monro Senior First anatomist from this dynasty Joined the University at the age of 13- Greek and Latin philosophy, French, dancing, music and painting Applied for Medical School at the age of 16 Gifted and talented Studied in London, Paris, Leiden (1697-1767)
Alexander Monro Primus Joined a scientific society “The bones in general” “Bursa intratendinea olecrani” - within brachial triceps muscle tendon Anatomical preparations Museum and Amphitheatre
Alexander Monro Primus Books concerning nerves, heart and mamary gland. Hospital for poor people Scientific society Prestigious medical center Attractive reputation - William Hunter Doctor Honoris Causa Treasure for his son William Hunter
Alexander Monro Secundus- Monro Junior A famous anatomist, a great physician The most important member of Monro dynasty Joined medical school at the age of 11 “Works”- Alexander Monro Primus Professor at 21 years old Thesis about seminiferous tubules „De veins lymphaticis valvulosis” – 2 circuits (1733-1817)
Alexander Monro Secundus Important works about nervous system „Foramen intervetriculare” Point of communication between 3rd and lateral ventricles of the brain. “Monro’s cyst” Ependymal cyst on foramen interventriculare “Monro’s sulcus” The hypothalmic sulcus. Who named it?
Alexander Monro Secundus Monro-Kellie doctrine „changes in the amount of blood in the cranial cavity, which is rigid and closed, are directly proportional to changes in the cerebrospinal fluid”
Alexander Monro Secundus Monro-Richter line Surgical handbook McBurney point occurs on this line. A line passing from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine.
Alexander Monro - Tertius Not so great Studied in Paris and London Professor in 1801 A lasting value?? (1773-1859)
Around 89 scientific papers and books Results: Monro-Kellie doctrine Foramen intervetriculare Monro’s sulcus Bursa tendinea olecrani Monro-Richter line Monro’s cyst Around 89 scientific papers and books
Conclusion: Their studies involved many medical fields such as: Nervous system Lymphatic system Gastrointestinal system Reproductive system Their studies involved many medical fields such as: Remarkable lineage Important treasure
Pros: Cons: Discussion: I) Great teacher which attracted many students I) Improved medical school in Edinburgh II) Gifted speaker and great doctor Cons: II) Polemical fight with Hunter III) Charles Darwin was saying that „Tertius made his lectures on human anatomy as dull as he was himself”
Bibliography: Alexander Monro Primus- The anatomy of the Human Bones, Edinburgh, 1726 Alexander Monro Secundus- The works of Alexander Monro, Edinburgh, 1781 Alexander Monro Secundus- The veins lymphaticis valvulosis, Berlin, 1757 Alexander Monro Secundus- Microscopical Inquiries into Nerves and Brain, Edinburgh, 1780 Alexander Monro Secundus- Observations on the Structure and Function of the Nervous System, Edinburgh, 1783 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed http://medical-dictionary.com http://www.otago.ac.nz/library/exhibitions/monro/ http://www.electricscotland.com/history/other/monro_alexander.htm http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm
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