Final Year Projects Prof. Joseph Ng
Mobile Application Development Sensor Programming Android Platform Preferred Applications on the following domains: 1)User Location Tracking 2)User’s Gesture & Status Monitoring 3)User’s Presence within Labs & Campus
Mobile Application Development User Location Tracking Make use of the gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer to do location tracking. Basically a user will start at a check-in location, then based on his/her walking steps, and directions, the system is able to track the user within the premises. Make use of the WiFi Signals and locate a user with a mobile phone. The WiFi routers being used is programmed to report the signal received from a user’s mobile phone. By collecting these signals at the location server, we can construct algorithms to estimate the user’s location. User Status Monitoring Make use of the sensors from the mobile phone and be able to detect whether a user is standing, walking, running, climbing stairs, walking down the stairs, sitting, lying down, and fall. One can make use of the camera to measure the heart beat rate and add more information to the user status. User’s Presence within Labs and Campus Use WiFi routers to act as sensors to detect users’ presence within the Campus (more likely in which room in the 8 th or 9 th floor of FSC). Write a mobile application to display to see whether a place is crowd with people or classmates.
Other Mobile App Development Mobile Advertisement using Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth LE (Lower Energy) Any interesting application that utilizes the Bluetooth technology for mobile advertisement. Mobile Game Development Any interesting game development on the mobile phone platform. Extra Note Feel free to propose reasonable topics to me for your Final Year Projects. Project 1 through Project 3 can be easily extended into Group Project that needs more than 1 person to develop.