Different modes of transport are used to go from one place to another. Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Different modes of transport are used to go from one place to another.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Long ago people did not have any means of transport. They used to move only on foot and carry goods either on their back or using animals.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Boats are used as a mode of transport since ancient times. Initially a simple log of wood in which a hollow cavity was made and was used to float on water.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport In years to come pieces of wood were put together to give shape to a boat. The shapes usually imitated the shapes of animals living in water.
Invention of wheel changed the mode of transport immensely. Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Invention of wheel changed the mode of transport immensely.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Designs of the wheels was improved over thousands of years, in early times animals were used to pull the vehicles that moved on wheels.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Until the invention of steam engine in the late 19th century people still depended on animals to transport them from place to place. Steam engine was introduced as a new source of power early 20th century. Railroads, wagons and driven carriages used to run on steam engine.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Automobiles invention brought a revolution in the field of transport. Transporting from one place to another became less hectic and less time consuming.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Motorised boats and ships were used as a means of transport on water instead of the simple boat used earlier.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Aeroplanes came as a revolution in the early nineties. Planes were initially used to carry goods but later improved to carry passengers. Electric trains, Mono-rail, Supersonic aeroplanes and spacecraft are some of the 20th century contribution in the field of transport.
Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of Transport Today means of transport has improvised version of aeroplanes, trains, bikes, cars, are coming every year. In India, the latest addition to the mode of transport is the metro. Metro has made transportation faster and cheaper.