1980’s Cameron Sperber
Historical Events February 13, 1980: The opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics is held in Lake Placid, New York. This was a thrilling moment for everyone who was there.
Historical Events September 21, 1980: Sandra Day O’Connor was approved 99-0 by the United States Senate to become the first female Supreme Court associates justice in history.
Historical Events The soap operas series “Dynasty and ‘ Dallas’ “ became really popular. The main character naturally had broad shoulders, but the other characters had to wear shoulder pads to make it look like they did as- well.
Historical Events Shoulder Pads: Designers started making all kinds of shoulder pads to show off a broad look. These were made to be worn under big shirts or knitwear. This was supposed to be the in on fashion. The picture below is from the movie “ Heathers”.
Historical Events Doc Marten Lace up Boots: These lace-up Doc Marten boots were worn by both men and women. They were a very stylish yet simple shoe. The shoe represented or looked a lot like the shoes that men wore in the army. People started wearing Doc Martens in the early 80’s.
Historical Events Pantyhose: Women started wearing pantyhose's in The pantyhose was meant to make women look thin or slimmer than usually. This was almost like a tight spandex that your wore under your general clothing. This became popular when women heard that it truly made you look thinner.
Everyday Society
Vivienne Westwood Vivienne Westwood was a very important designer during the 1980’s. She was the manager of the band “Sex Pistols”. Westwood was responsible for bringing in punk and new wave fashion.
Vivienne Westwood Full Name: Vivienne Isabel Swire DOB: April 8, 1941 Britain Fashion Designer
Vivienne Westwood’s Designs
John Paul Gautier John Paul Gaultier is a fashion designer who designed French Haute Couture and a Pret-a-Porter fashion designer. John Paul won a nominee from Cesar Award for Best Costume Design. John Paul also has perfume collections that to this day are still very popular.
John Paul Gualtier Full Name: John Paul Gaultier DOB: April 24, 1952 French Fashion Designer
John Paul Gualtier’s Designs