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Steampunk or steam punk is a branch of the science fiction derived by Cyberpunk. It is a prototype of alternative variant of the Mankind’s development, when the technology of the steam machines and mechanics were in perfection are invented. As a rule, Steampunk implies a stylization of epoch Victorian England (the second half of the XIX century) and epoch of early capitalism with a typical town landscape and a social contrast of humans position in the society.
There is some features and signs, which distinguish Steampunk from other fantastic directions. For the first external style and atmosphere. Features Steampunk
Stimpank is based of a period of Industrial Revolution in England when Doyle and Dickens wrote their books in the world of the steam machines. Gentlemen in cylinders and ladies in hoop skirts carelessly drive in steamcars along the bridges, which are lifted by gas burners. Stimpank is based of a period of Industrial Revolution in England when Doyle and Dickens wrote their books in the world of the steam machines. Gentlemen in cylinders and ladies in hoop skirts carelessly drive in steamcars along the bridges, which are lifted by gas burners.
Features of Steampunk is the steam technology The Means of transportation: an airship, locomotive, steamship, steambus, steamcar, are made of metal with enormous rivets, remark by awkward levers and devices of a lot of dials.
Mechanisms are covered with oil and smut, disgorge smoke, vapor, sparks, they make much noise, clank, whistle, but at a high temperature they can burst.
The Weapon: the revolvers of Lefoshe, massive guns of Thompson and machine guns of Gatlinga, monstrous dreadnoughts, artillery guns and bombs.
Steampank-fashion has no set of the rules, but mix many modern styles influencing of Victorian epoch.
Steampank-fashion is often considered the dresses, corsets, skirts for women ….
… and suits with waists, coats, short gaiters or army clothes for men.
All the clothes inspired by Steampunk, often have a denominated accent on specific accessories such as pocket watches, umbrellas, spectacles (goggles)
The modern accessories, such as mobilphones or music players, can be into Steampunk style, after giving it a Victorian features.
Steampunk- guitar
Steampunk-– accessories …
…and even Steampunk wedding