Global Change Starts at Home Easy ways to incorporate GREEN practices in your home.
An Average Family spends about $1,861 a year on home energy bills
Setting the Temperature SAVINGS GALORE…up to 2,000 pounds of Carbon Dioxide a year. 2 degrees lower in the winter 2 degrees higher in the summer On vacation…adjust the thermostat Program the Thermostat for the Week Know your Product Use Ceiling Fans
Window Treatments Every morning open all shades and curtains…let the light in. Natural Sunlight Moisture Control Every evening close all shades and curtains…keep the warm in.
Water Use Creating Hot Water takes a lot of energy. Wash your clothes in cold or warm water and save 500 lbs of CO2 per year. Turn your water heater down when on vacation. Two kids, one bath. Install a low flow showerhead and save 350 lbs of CO2 per year. Install a low flow toilet.
Loads of Savings Fill your dishwasher to its maximum capacity Don’t over rinse! Fill your Washer and Dryer to their maximum capacity Hang Dry Detergent and Softener Sheets
Change the World…One CF Light Bulb at a Time! Replacing one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 lbs of CO2 a year. 42 bulbs = 6,300 lbs of CO2
Light Bulb Purchasing Tips NEW DESIGNS AVAILABLE for dimmable, 3-way fixtures, many shapes and sizes: Bare, Mini-spirals, Spirals Bare, Double, Triple, and Quadruple tubes Circle-line Covered A-line Covered Globe Covered Bullet or Torpedo NOW…Smaller and Thinner than earlier models. NOW available in a range of color temperatures: Warm, white light: Look for a color temperature of 2,700–3,000K. Cooler, white light: Look for a color temperature of 4,500–6,000K. Recycle CFLs!! Do not throw CFLs away in your garbage can. REPLACE THEM ALL TODAY!!
Unplug Many idle electronics - cell phones, TVs, VCRs, DVD and CD players, cordless phones, microwaves, computers - use energy even when switched off or not in use Nationally, these energy “vampires” use 5 percent of our domestic energy and cost consumers more than $3 billion annually. --Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and quoted in Alliance’s Power$mart booklet.
Waste Reduction, paper, junk mail and catalogs Recycle, Clean Sweep on Fish Hatchery The ReStore, Goodwill, 800-Got-Junk Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Promote Global Cooling The energy we use at home accounts for about a fifth of U.S. global warming pollution. That means making smart choices at home and in the office matters. Electricity – What can you do differently at home or in your office? Heating and Cooling – What are some simple steps you can start taking today to cut back? Save paper and recycle – Have you looked into efax or ing docs to clients and cooperating brokers in your business? Do you have an efficient system at home for recycling all the excess paper that accumulates? Be open and keep learning – If you are still feeling pessimistic about being more green, stay open to new ideas and keep learning because this is not a trend that is going away anytime soon.