Bank Reconciliation Manager Features Overview
________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Features Same look and feel as Sage Accpac. Uses Sage Accpac Lanpaks. Uses Sage Accpac security. Tight Integration with Accpac bank services modules. Fully developed using the Sage Accpac SDK. Compatible with Sage Accpac System Manager 5.4 and higher. Supports Accpac web deployment.
________________________________________________________________________________ Functional Features Imports bank statements into Accpac. Automatically reconciles the cheque or EFT in Accpac bank services based on the statement file. Matches entries based on amount and cheque/EFT number. Unmatched entries can be automatically allocated to a GL account. CUTS BANK RECONCILIATION TIME BY 95%!
________________________________________________________________________________ Setup Define integration with the General Ledger
________________________________________________________________________________ Bank Reconciliation Tool Main reconciliation screen
________________________________________________________________________________ EFT Reconciliation Supports reconciliation of EFT batches
________________________________________________________________________________ GL Mapping Table Use the GL Mapping table to automatically post unmatched entries to a relevant GL account
________________________________________________________________________________ More Information: Visit Ph: