CSS Linux and Eclipse 1
CSS Account Log into your CSS account with the NoMachine client (NX client) 2
Perl Development Environment Editor and Perl interpreter is all you really need Additional bells and whistles –Administrative access to add/compile modules –IDE (Integrated Development Environment) –Debugger 3
Download/Install Eclipse Select "Eclipse Classic" for "Linux 64" This will probably put the file in your "Desktop". Something like: /user/eng/tbraun/Desktop $ cd Desktop $ mv eclipse-SDK-*.*-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz ~ Where *.* is some revision number like 3.4 This "mv" command moves the file to your "home" directory -- the "tilde" (~) at the end of the line means "home directory" 4
More commands $ cd #this will change your directory to your "home" directory $ gunzip eclipse-SDK-3.4-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz #unzip the file $ tar -xvf eclipse-SDK-3.4-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar #extract the archive To start the eclipse program, type: $./eclipse/eclipse & Click "Ok" for the workspace Click on the arrow on the right hand side to take you to the workbench. 5
Perl Plugin for Eclipse Once you have eclipse running, go to: Help-> Software Updates Click on "Available Software" tab Select "Add Site" 6
Perl Plugin For Location -- type in: Click "OK" Now check the "e-p-i-c" site This should bring up "Main Components" Expand "Main Components" Select "EPIC” (0.5.46) is “unstable” Click "Install" 7
Perl plugin Click "Next" Read License Select "I agree to terms of license…" Click "Finish" This may take a few minutes -- just let it run. Select "Restart" -- this restarts Eclipse In eclipse, now select: Window->Open Perspective->Other Select "Perl" Click OK. 8
First Perl Program File->new->Perl Project Type in Project Name: Hello Click "Finish" Right Click on the "Hello" project and select New- >Perl File For "File name" enter: Hello.pl Click "Finish" Now you can enter a Perl program in the middle window. Try this: print "hello world\n"; Then select: Run->Run. Click on "Yes" 9
Eclipse cleanup If for some reason you want to remove eclipse: cd rm -rf./eclipse rm -rf.eclipse rm -rf workspace 10
Debugger To use the debugger and observe variables, you will need administrative access to your Perl – and install a module called “PadWalker” 11