Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas GRID Activities at LIP Jorge Gomes - (LIP Computer Centre)
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Activities at LIP Hardware Test of cpu and I/O solutions; Test of rack mount solutions. Software Evaluation of scheduling systems (pbs, lsf, condor) with globus; Development of the LIP certification authority; Installation and test of the Globus grid toolkit components: Security and X509 certificates; Information services and LDAP; Job submission; Resource management; Remote file management; I/O.
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Hardware Evaluation of rack mount systems. Test of IDE Ultra DMA 100 controllers. Test of large (75GB) IDE UDMA100 disks. Building low cost storage systems based on IDE disks. Some new systems will be added this week: 1 pentium 4, 1.4GHz; 8 dual pentium III 933MHz (rack mount). Upgrade of network equipment will be performed soon.
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Grid Test Facility lflip01 – PIII 600MHz lflip02 – PIII 600MHz lflip03 – Pentium 4 1.4GHz lflip04 – AMD K7 600MHz (cluster server/globus gatekeeper) lfdel01 – PIII 700MHz lfdel02 – PIII 866MHz lfna5001 – PIII 800MHz lfna5002 – PIII 800MHz lfna5003 – PIII 800MHz lfna5004 – PIII 800MHz System consoles on serial port; Fast ethernet interconnection through a Catalyst 5000 switch. Composed of Linux systems with RedHat 6.1: lflip06 – dual PIII 866MHz lflip07 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip08 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip09 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip10 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip11 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip12 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip13 – dual PIII 933MHz lflip14 – dual PIII 933MHz
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Grid Test-bed Infra-structure Model Farm Node ROUTER Disk Storage Storage Server Farm Node SWITCH National Academic and Research Network... Catalyst 5000 Will be replaced by a Catalyst 4000 with Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Cisco 4500 Will be replaced by a Cisco 7204VXR
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Software - Certificates LIP has established a CA in the framework of the GRID activities to issue certificates both to: LIP users; LIP servers. LIP is coordinating its activities with the CA working group. A new CA has been recently established to be compatible with the proposed minimum requirements; A small internal document on certificates at LIP has been produced: Certificate Management and the LIP CA; The LIP Certification Policy and Certificate Practice Statement is being revised according with RFC2527 and a new draft version will be published soon.
Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Software - Globus Installation of the Globus toolkit in the LIP farm. lflip04 is the gatekeeper and has a PBS service. A distributed Globus information service has been established: National GIIS “dc=pt, o=Grid” (; Institutional GIIS for LIP “dc=lip, dc=pt, o=Grid” (; Local MDS service in each system. Integration of the LIP MDS with the DATAGRID MDS. GSI authentication through the LIP CA for: LIP users; LIP servers. A small internal document on Globus at LIP has been produced: Installing and deploying Globus at LIP.