Suffolk – Update on Apprenticeships In Care Christian Lloyd – Adult & Community Services Initial pilot in the Waveney are focusing on NEET group – not exclusively Collaboration between Adult & Community Services, Lowestoft College, Skills for Care, Jobcentre Plus, SCC Economy & Skills + Youth Support Team Waveney Based upon pre-employment pathway (Care Academy) offering a solid basis of training and a period of work experience, prior to start Around 10 starters on the pathway, a second cohort planned for April More employers needed to grow the scheme; within Waveney and beyond.
Pre employment - Care Academy Learners attend the Care Academy course attending 2 full weeks at college CRB processed on line in first week Level 1 preparing to work in Health and Social Care NCFE Level 1 Mental Health Awareness Common Induction Standard completed Basic first aid Manual handling Once CRB’s are secured the learners will be supported into 2 weeks placements within the limits of training and good practice (e.g. no personal care/lone working/manual handling).
Of the employers here? How many have a CURRENT care apprentice? Who has had an apprentice in the last two years? Have you been considering apprenticeships as a means to recruit? Who is in in the Waveney area who wants to know more? Rachel Bunn Outside of Waveney who may want to know more? Louise Whitley
Ongoing Development for the Sector Appointment of a full time Apprenticeships & Employment Co-ordinator based at Suffolk Brokerage Tasked with optimising the success of the pilot (and lessons learned) Work with partners across the county to roll out apprenticeships programme before the end of 2013/14 – multiple cohorts Key role to build and develop a team of Care Ambassadors to link with Schools, FE and employment partners to raise the profile of care careers