Presentation to Integrated Services 15 March 2013 LEMIS Local Employment Intermediary Service
Voluntary, needs-led/person-centred DEL programme, providing one-to-one mentoring (black box approach). Delivered in areas of highest deprivation. Targets those furthest from the labour market including common employability barriers (ex-prisoners, drug/alcohol, young people leaving care, homeless). Innovative engagement, mentoring and employment strategies. Outreach provision and referrals from PBNI, hostels, community groups, JBO, libraries, leisure centres, women’s groups, Sure Start, HLCs etc. LEMIS Overview
Employer s LTU JSA Engagement StrategyEmployment Employability Skills Job Matching Service Interview Preparation Pre-employment GOALS Removal of barriers Barriers Assessment Registration Action Planning Mentoring Outreach Delivery Employer s Mentoring Employers Mentorin g
West BelfastJob Assist West Belfast (USDT) North BelfastAshton Community Trust East BelfastStepping Stone (EBM) South BelfastGEMS NI ShankillJob Assist Shankill (Impact Training) Derry CitysideJob Assist Derry (DYCW) Derry WatersideJob Assist Derry (DYCW) StrabaneStrabane CWP CookstownNetwork Personnel MoyleNetwork Personnel Newry & MournePeople 1 st LEMIS Providers
Financial Model Primary Funding£75,000 CLIENT ENGAGEMENT Caseloading Engagement£ Week Continued Engagement£100 SKILLS FOR EMPLOYMENT OPTIONS Entered DEL Programme£300 Completed a Short Accredited Course£25 Started Further or Higher Education, Essential Skills Course£100 Started a ESF Programme£25 Started a CVP, Pre-employment Programmes£25 INTO EMPLOYMENT FT Employment (32 minimum per annum)£600 PT Employment£200 Temp Employment£200 Premium - LTU£75 Premium - Top 5 Unemp Wards£75 Premium (common employability problem)£100 FT Sustained Employment - 13 weeks£200 PT Premium - LTU£50 PT Premium - Top 5 Unemp Wards£50 PT Sustained- 13 Weeks£100
3934 people engaged, assessed and mentored 3023 Skills for Employment options 1076 people into work: FT, PT, Temp (31% leavers) 723 sustained employment (67% of all into-work) LEMIS Performance 2011-present 762 people engaged, assessed and mentored 743 Skills for Employment options 195 people into work: FT, PT, Temp (28% leavers) 129 sustained employment (66% of all into-works) Job Assist West Belfast 2011-present
Partnership with Employers Forum (BITC): job opportunities, site visits, mock-interviews, pre-employment training, placements, motivational talks etc. Pre-employment programmes linked to vacancies and designed to meet employer and clients needs. Intelligence on workforce planning and partnerships with large employers including public sector. Local SMEs and social economy: our reputation is key. Link clients to other DEL programmes (YES, Step Ahead etc.) and ESF opportunities (e.g. HARTE). Agility to move with opportunities. Effective mentoring and job matching. Employment Strategies