“Gigabit or Bust” Reaching all users Dave Reese CTO, CENIC 17 September 2002
# 2 A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation founded by California Institute of Technology, California State University, Stanford University, University of California, and University of Southern California Mission is to facilitate and coordinate the deployment, development, and operation of a set of seamless and robust advanced network services. Provides both Internet and Internet2 (Abilene) access to Associates (and other research networks) Serves all 100+ Community Colleges (2 yr colleges) Digital California Project connects K-12 schools in all 58 counties of California with over 70 nodes/access points CENIC
# 3 1. Current Status of CENIC Fiber Backbone a) Signed contracts for over 1,000 miles (1600 km) of dark fiber in California b) Companies: Level(3), Williams c) IRU for 1 mile of conduit to join w/campus entrance fiber (UCSD) d) Hardware selection in final stages (Cisco DWDM) e) Additional 540 miles (870 km) under consideration 2. Fiber from University to backbone a) All University of California campuses b) Stanford University c) USC (University of Southern California) d) CalTech e) Phase 2 to include California State University campuses CENIC - Dark Fiber Network
# 4 CalREN Networks
# 5 1. CENIC will build two distinct CalREN networks a) Using fiber and DWDM as common layer b) CalREN/DC = Digital California (production commodity, five-9’s) OC-48c backbone, T-1,DS-3,OC-3,OC-12,GigE connections 3.8Gbps of Internet-1 connectivity Commodity peering in Los Angeles and Palo Alto c) CalREN/HPR = High Performance Research (Abilene-like) 10GigE LANPHY backbone, GigE, 10GigE connections 10GigE to Abilene in Los Angeles d) CalREN/XD = Experimental Development/Research Providing 3 OC-192c connections Los Angeles-San Diego for DTF/SDSC Capability to provide 10G wavelengths between researchers Access to dark fiber for specific research needs 2. CENIC and PNWGP leveraging project towards a National Light Rail (NLR) dark fiber resource CalREN - Serving Research & Commodity
# 6 DWDM Gig E 10 Gig E CalREN/DC /HPR NLR Experimental 10Gig E Gig E POP Architecture Connection Options: Dark Fiber (C or D WDM), Managed Wavelength Services (GigE and up), Traditional Circuits (T1 to OC-12c)
# 7 National Light Rail - What it is (in general) 1. Public/Private Sector research based partnership on a national, 20yr. IRU’d, fiber footprint to primarily support research, experimental and education networking with e2e bandwidth a) Start by provisioning a linear transcontinental system with 4 shared ‘s (plus some private waves). Positioned for geographical and wave expansion. Seek full national ring(s) in near future. b) ‘Shared ’ s’ 4 lit to start. One for initial shared ip service + One subdivided wave(s) etc. Other 2 under discussion. Could be lots more. c) ‘Private ’ s for NLR Partners individually or collectively 2. Also a separate fiber pair (and possible conduit access/use) in a smaller geography for physical level optical network research 3. Coordinated ‘MetaPoP’ services, capabilities and facilities to help research and researchers, including academic support staff, rack space, instrumentation, measurement points and tools for research, operational.edu and commodity internet traffic. This will be done mostly by NLR Partners but structured in a way to achieve coordination with and interoperability among one another.
# 8 Goals to Support: 1. Research! (including Network Research:) 2. Experimentation in networking and in education 3. Regional fiber/ efforts in.edu & research sectors 4. Education 5. Academic Med. Center driven Clinical activities 6. Development & implementation of network & computing technologies not otherwise likely to be generally available commercially as early as needed in R&E. 7. Enabling deterministic and other e2e bandwidth/ ’s, dark fiber and conduit for Grid, eScience etc. & for ‘Regionals’ etc.
# 9 e2e ! 1. A root goal of NLR is establishing end-to-end connectivity between campus and lab desktop, server, apparatus and sensor, etc. endpoints. A major part of the NLR effort is to establish and interconnect the fiber/wave and broadband wireless based local loop and campus & lab based infrastructure required for the needed e2e connectivity and performance. 2. e2e goal requires a) Fiber/waves between PoP’s to Campus/Lab b) Intra-campus c) Inter-pop national & regional backbone
# 10 AUP & CoU ‘free’ 1. Physical Layer NLR = No AUP other than ‘legal and non-interfering’ 2. NLR Shared IP services = No AUP other than ‘legal and non-interfering’. 3. Private or Shared Waves = No AUP other than ‘legal and non-interfering’. 4. But, Research & Experimental bandwidth ‘subdivisions’ may (each) have AUP/CoU as determined by the project, program, sponsor, users
# 11 Allocation of Waves, Dark Fiber & Conduit 1. Initial allocations are for R&E uses and users 2. In general wrt waves where there are 4 or less remaining ’s in segments priority will be given to educational, research and clinical uses and users 3. Dark fiber and conduit allocation approach TBD via research community 4. NLR managing directors ultimately determine allocations not driven by specific contracts/agreements.
# 12 Lit National NLR Core Fabric Fiber 5,207 miles 11,000 miles A. B. A. Starting footprint - operational 3/2003-7/2003. B. Multi-Loop core for owned fiber R&E net? - June 2004? ronj Dashed lines for regional not costed
# 13 Leading-Edge e2e services & experimental network facilities via MetaPoPs and inter-gigapop links for research & next gen. tech., arch., grids, DTF expansion, content, sensors, apparatus … Up to 40 dedicated 10 gigabit waves with up to hundreds of dedicated gigabit links system-wide. 8/14/02 10 gbs IEEAF donation 10 gbs IEEAF Donation MetaPoPs & Core Nodes ADM sites Desired Expansion PoPs/ADM National LightRail” (NLR) NLR Under Consideration International Broadband Metro/WAN owned Fiber ‘Rings’ connecting strategic R&E endpoints. PIT BOS NY DC LA SUN SEA DEN CHI National LightRail: cost-effective owned lit R&E fiber fabric ATL Detroit or CLV? Canarie fabric Raleigh 7/03 footprint
For more information on N A T I O N A L L I G H T R A I L please contact any of: Tom West Ron Johnson Charlie Catlett