Mr. Gifford’s 5th Grade Math Lesson #19 Dividing by multiples of 10 and estimating Quotients
Division is the opposite of Multiplication Division is the opposite of Multiplication. In division you are DIVIDING objects into small EQUAL parts.
The first thing you have to do is estimate your division problem The first thing you have to do is estimate your division problem. This is very similar estimating for addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Now lets look at the parts of a division problem. Quotient 9 Divisor 5 45 Dividend
Look at this problem 5 36 5 40 Round 36 to 40. Keep 5 as it is.
Now ask yourself how many GROUPS of 5 does it take to make 40? Now add the groups of 5 together and you get 8 groups of 5 5 5 5 5
So Will be close to 5 36 8 groups So when you divide you know your answer will be around 8 groups
Lets do another problem. Think back to your multiplication facts. What number times 7 is CLOSE 55? 7 55 8 : 7 x 8 = 56
Since 56 is Larger than 55 your answer CAN NOT be 8 Since 56 is Larger than 55 your answer CAN NOT be 8. So it needs to be one LESS ; 7
So when you estimate you are trying to get as close to the larger number.
Lets look how to divide using multiples of 10 8 40 Use your multiplication table and think about what number times 8 = 40? How many GROUPS of 8 are in 40?
8 X 5 = 40 Your Answer or QUOTIENT is 5
Here is another one 6 30 How many GROUPS of 6 are in 30? Use your multiplication table and think about what number times 6 = 30?
6 X 5 = 30 Your Answer or QUOTIENT is 5
Use the practice worksheet to practice. Good work and good luck!