Facilitated by Paul Signorelli Writer/Trainer/Consultant Paul Signorelli & Associates July 17, 2014 Libraries as Partners in Lifelong Learning: Cultivating Our Learning Landscape
The Art of Rearrangement
The Art of Rearrangement/Rethinking
From Denise Krebs’ Life Long Learning Flickr photostream:
ALA and Lifelong Learning
Why Lifelong Learning?
From “A Vision of Students Today,” Michael Wesch
Rethinking Lifelong Learning
A Lifelong Learning Framework
Discussion #1: The Need for Lifelong Learning Please name at least one thing you have had to learn in your workplace because of the changing nature of the work you do.
Discussion #1: The Need for Lifelong Learning Please name at least one thing you have had to learn in your workplace because of the changing nature of the work you do. Please name one thing that you have been helping others (outside of libraries) learn to do so they remain competitive in their worksites.
Lifelong Learning Centers: Oak Harbor Library
Lifelong Learning Centers: Providence
Lifelong Learning Centers: Vigo County Public Library
Lifelong Learning Centers: Dickson County Public Library
Lifelong Learning Centers:
Libraries as Social Learning Centers
Lifelong Learning Communities Revisited
Lifelong Learning Partners: Museums
Lifelong Learning Partners: Museums
Lifelong Learning Partners: Living Libraries
Lifelong Learning Partners: Living Libraries
Lifelong Learning Partners: Catalyst Café
Discussion #2: Serving as Lifelong Learning Catalysts What can you take from today’s session to better serve members of your lifelong learning community onsite and online?
Discussion #2: Serving as Lifelong Learning Catalysts What can you take from today’s session to better serve members of your lifelong learning community onsite and online? What will you do in the next week to begin implementing one lifelong learning effort that supports your staff and/or your community?
In Summary
Resources For more on learning and libraries:
Questions & Comments
For More Information Paul Signorelli & Associates 1032 Irving St., #514 San Francisco, CA
Credits & Acknowledgments (Images taken from flickr.com unless otherwise noted): Fisher Fine Arts Library (University of Pennsylvania): Photo by Paul Signorelli (January 2014) Resetting the Room: Photo by Paul Signorelli (ALA Annual Conference/June 2014) From Denise Kreb’s photostream at This Year I Will Learn to Bake: From Lester Public Library’s photostream at ACU Library: From ACU Library’s photostream at