Second ENPCOM meeting in Brussels Local experienses and projects in transport and housing Presented by Thomas Malmstedt Manager of the Arvika District Heating company and Arvika Hydropower company
Arvika in Sweden Distance to: Stockholm:400 km Oslo:165 km Gothenburg:250 km
The City of Arvika Information/presentation/ /Intro Arvika is a middle sized town with about residents. It is placed in a wooded area close to the border of Norway. Arvika is an industrial city with a strong feeling for arts and handicraft. A lot of students, with around a thousand on university level.
Heating plant Lycke The company started in1996 The main plant, Lycke, was built in 2000 Biomass, woodchips, bark 18 MW Biomass, pellets 6,5 MW Industrial waste 2,5 MW Availability, baseproduktion >98% CO2-reduktion, yearly ca 30 kton (more than 90 % reduction) More than 95% of the biomass come from sawmills, lokated less than 40 km från Lycke District heating acounts for almost half of the country´s total heating needs and heating the mold continues to expand.
Sales perfomance from House hold 52 GWh Industry 32 GWh Schools etc 22 GWh Hotels etc 9 GWh Others 22 GWh
Arvika District Heating System 2013, Mix of fuel
Cooperation - industrial waste heat Nya Gjuteriet Volvo Construction Arvika Smide Arvika Teknik AB Total 4-5 GWh
Smaller district heating systems Cooperation with local farmers for sustainable energy solutions. Gunnarskog2 GWh CO2-reduktion, yearly 600 ton Glava1,5 GWh CO2-reduktion, yearly 500 ton
Local cooperation Glava Energy Center is situated in the community of Arvika, about twenty kilometers south of the town. It´s goal is to be a developing centre on a regional, national and international level and be open to companies and organisations, active in the field of renewable and efficient energy. It is also a centre of energy for children and young people to learn about energy. It has grown up because of FEM, a big transnational European project, about energy and the interest of a local company, wich manufactures parts for solar energy.
Transport We have started a project to increase the number of electric cars and bycycles and building transfer points from truck to railways. At the moment we dont have any figures to present
Energy efficiency in buildings Two upper secundary schools: Solberga - conversion from heat pump and cardioversion into district heating. Taserud -conversion from oil into district heating
Energy efficiency in buildings Additional isolation of facades and attics Replacement of windows Commissioning of heating and ventilation systems Conversion from electric heating to district heating After all activities the overall heat has fallen by 15-20% over a 10-year period, and projects are still going on
Education - energy training Local companies in Arvika such as Thermia and Swegon, who produces and install heating and cooling, have asked for this kind of education. They want to get an overview of energy related issues in buildings. This education is adapted to th needs of business. Last year 18 students were out and 12 of them had got a job immediately after graduation. It has been a great demand of this education and there is a great interest in having another one next year, Arvika Fastighets AB continuously educate their employees in energy issues.
Hydro As a part of the process of energy transition, in 2011 the community bought 26 hydro power stations. The hydro power stations produce about 70 GWh, which is equivalent to the dual needs of Arvikas eletricity.