Three Presidents Roosevelt, Taft & Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt Youngest President, age 43, replaced the assassinated McKinley. He is thought of as the ‘first modern President’. Takes up the Progressive cause, battles monopolies and other business practices - ‘The Square Deal’. Works to create national parks Gets the International Community to recognize the Monroe Doctrine - The Roosevelt Corollary. Organizes the building of the Panama Canal
William Taft Had the support of Teddy Roosevelt People blame Taft for handing control of the Republican party over to the rich (Old Guard) and not following a Progressive program By protecting America’s foreign investments, the phrase ‘Dollar Diplomacy’ is coined. Taft served only one term - Roosevelt split the Republican vote by starting the “Bull-Moose Party” running as a Progressive
Woodrow Wilson Seen as a progressive governor from New Jersey, Wilson wins a landslide victory over Taft & Roosevelt Lowered tariffs, introduced the personal income tax, fought monopolies and created the Federal Reserve System. Saw the passing of the 16th & 17th Amendments Brought the country into World War I (1917)
Other Events to be mindful of Interstate Commerace Act ‘Open Door Policy’ as foreign policy The work of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison & the Wright Brothers The Reformers; Jane Adams, Hull House Conflicting Ideas; WEB DuBois versus Booker T. Washington Supreme Court Case: Schenk v. United States