Welcome to Curriculum Night Fifth Grade Gleason Lake Elementary School Mrs. Nelsen
Classroom Community Morning Meeting (Sharing & Daily Schedule) GATOR PRIDE Expectations –“I will RESPECT: Myself, Others, Property, & Community” –Expectations & Consequences Positive Reinforcement - Table Points and Classroom Rewards - Student Awards, Praise Notes, “ Gator Pride ” Recognition –Fun Friday Activities Student Planner - Planners go home daily! Please check your child ’ s planner for important classroom, school, and homework information. Thank You!
Curriculum Reading Common Core ELA Standards Scott Foresman Reading Street Curriculum -Reading skills and strategies -Vocabulary -Comprehension -Fluency Whole group & small group instruction Literature Studies
Curriculum Language Arts Common Core ELA Standards Scott Foresman Reading Street & Lucy Calkins Writing Curriculum - Grammar Skills - The Writing Process - The Six Traits of Good Writing Assigned Spelling Words - Words will be assigned on Mondays and tested on Fridays.
Curriculum Math Minnesota State Math Standards Everyday Mathematics Curriculum -Number and Numeration - Operations and Computation - Data and Chance - Measurement and Reference Frames - Geometry - Patterns, Functions, and Algebra
Curriculum Science (Foss Science Kits – Nelsen, Bjerk, and Soukup) Variables, Landforms, Simple Machines, Scientific Method, Science Fair Social Studies (Pearson Curriculum – Gasch) My World “Building Our Country” *Science/Social Studies rotations will each be approximately days long. Health (McGraw Health and Wellness)
Technology Wayzata School District MyWay Initiative iPads -5 th Grade 1:1 student to iPad ratio -iPads will be housed on a cart in the classroom and will be for school use only. -District managed devices that will be used in conjunction with our curriculum to enhance the learning of all students. -iPad Student Contract Criteria for Success
Under 13 Apple ID Extremely IMPORTANT!!! –PLEASE visit Mr. Roth and Mrs. Whitlock tonight if you HAVE NOT set up an Apple ID for your student or HAVE NOT finished the process. *15 students in our class* -Needed to set up your student’s iPad the first week of school -Students NEED their Apple ID and password on the first day of school!
Homework Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday and is due the next day with the exception of spelling packets and reading logs which will be due on Fridays. Homework Expectation (total of 50 minutes each night) Purpose is to reinforce skills being taught in the classroom. Reading minutes (30 minutes per night) need to be recorded nightly on the reading log and signed by a parent to confirm completion. Total minutes recorded at the end of the week. Important Things to Remember… -Provide an organized work space at home -Set up a consistent homework schedule -Practice spelling words with your child each night * Note…Homework is spot checked and reviewed for completion and understanding, but not taken for a grade.
Volunteer Opportunities THANK YOU in advance for your support! Field Trip Chaperones -Kindness Retreat (November)-Skiing (February) -Water Park (June)-MIA (June) Party Supply Volunteers Art Adventure Volunteers Parent’s Night Out Volunteers Gleason Lake PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Last Minute Notes… Please be sure to do the following before leaving tonight: - Complete the “Student Information Sheet” - Complete “Student iPad Contract” - Fill in the “Transportation Chart” on the back table. - Check out the “Volunteer Opportunities” on the back wall. - $$Contribute to our 5 th Grade Resource Fund$$ - Visit the “Giving Tree” if you would like to donate an item to our classroom. Thank you so much! *Please fill out the “Parent Survey” over the weekend and return it to school next week.
YOU Can Learn Anything Looking forward to an exciting and challenging year of growth!
Thank You!!! Open Door Policy…be sure to keep in touch! Remember we are a T.E.A.M.! Conferences are held in November and March is the best way to contact me. It is not always possible to return s immediately, so please be patient and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for taking the time to come tonight. I really look forward to working with you and your children this year!