Project 2 Critically analyze any controversial scientific issue Discuss the rationale for both sides and make a case for one of them (citing at least 2 primary articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals). Topic examples: –1. Should we continue to suppress wildfires in our forests? –2. Water in the Klamath Basin: fish or farms? –3. Biotechnology (genetic manipulation and cloning): A novel and important tool or Pandora’s Box? –4. Population growth: Is it ethical to have more than 2 kids per couple? 3+ double-spaced pages, due Monday, February 7th
Use article databases on library website –e.g. Academic Search Premiere Peer-reviewed scientific journals (turn in copies of your 2 source articles with your paper) –Structure Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion (exceptions: Science & Nature) –“Primary” vs. “review” articles Literature Research
Citations: –Every paragraph needs at least 1 reference! –Do not plagiarize! –Do not use direct quotes! Writing Organization: use paragraphs to organize your arguments, provide the reader with an overview at the beginning. Style: watch your grammar, avoid a casual conversational style (avoid using ‘you’, ‘I’; don’t (do not) use contractions). PSU Writing Center –Cramer 188F,